My Sunday Photo 26.6.16 – Ironbridge

This week I needed to get away and give myself some head space. I managed to escape to visit a friend in Telford. We had a glorious evening of putting the world to rights with a few glasses of vino collapso.

We had a pootle down to Ironbridge for a wander round the shops and a spot of tea and cake. I love Ironbridge. It is one of the most beautiful places I’ve been to and I always, always get cross with myself for not taking my camera.

I can’t go to Ironbridge without crossing the actual bridge. It’s like some unwritten rule. The River Severn looked glorious, the sun was shining on it just so, a few fishermen dotted the banks and at one point a small group of canoeists paddled downstream. It was idyllic.

Built in 1779, the bridge is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a pretty major tourist attraction in the area. Ironbridge is dripping with history and I have been visiting with my family since I was a little girl. It’s a lovely place for tea and cake as well as spending time visiting and exploring the various museums in the area. It’s well worth a visit, trust me.

This is a picture of the River Severn taken through the iron bridge. It’s not a great photo, but the memory makes me smile and to me that’s what My Sunday Photo is all about. 


My 24 hours away did me the power of good. I hurried home in time to vote and it’s kind of been downhill ever since. Oh well.

Have a great Sunday xx

14 thoughts on “My Sunday Photo 26.6.16 – Ironbridge

  1. I remember seeing Ironbridge for the first time as a child, on a school trip, and becoming absolutely fascinated with it and its engeinner IKB. It is a beautiful place and a good place to escape.

  2. It may not be the best photograph in the world, but the detail in the ironwork is beautiful and as you said, it’s a great memory. Glad you got 24 hours to yourself.

  3. Fantastic! I’m originally from Telford, but now live abroad. I love Ironbridge and also have to cross the bridge when I visit. I used to work in Coalbrookdale sometimes, which was an added bonus. #MySundayPhoto

  4. Ah yes, downhill ever since here too. The photo, however, is great. I like the way it is shot and as you say, will always bring you happy memories. #MySundayPhoto

  5. I’ve not been to Ironbridge since a child, which is a shame as we don’t live too far away. I will have to plan to take my children very soon. I love your photo, there is something really calming about a still river.

  6. This is one of my fave photo of yours. I always love details and this is such alovely design which is prettier because if the light at the background.

    Thanks for sharing. #mysundayphoto

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