Easter Bank Holiday Bingo – just for fun!

Bank Holidays can be pretty predictable things. If yours is anything like ours, you’ll be expecting a round of lie-ins, roast dinners, grass cutting and DIY.  I’ve decided to play an exciting game of Easter Bank Holiday Bingo to see just how formulaic my Easter Bank Holiday weekend was. Shall we all play along and see how we all do? How many can you get and who will shout “House!” first?

Easter Bank Holiday

  • Expecting a lie in but waking up at 5am anyway.
  • Cutting the grass the same time as both of your neighbours.
  • Eating all of your Easter chocolate.
  • Feeling sick after eating too much Easter chocolate.
  • Swearing you’ll start a diet tomorrow.
  • If it’s sunny, spending the whole day painting a room and not seeing daylight.
  • If it’s raining, spending the whole day staring at the rain lashing against the window and looking sad.
  • A drive to the seaside involving 6 hours in the car and just half an hour on the beach.
  • Seeing pictures of all your child free friends on Facebook sat in a sunny beer garden.
  • Drinking 18 pints of tea instead of sitting in a beer garden.
  • Having a massive row about nothing.
  • Visiting a garden centre.
  • Washing the car.
  • Unexpected and unwanted guests dropping round at an inappropriate time.
  • Spending the whole weekend tidying the house and it looking not a bit different when you’ve finished.
  • Losing a whole day watching Man V Food repeats on TV.
  • Panic buying ALL the food in the supermarket the day before the Easter Bank Holiday.
  • Easter crafts all gone horribly wrong.
  • Eating a big fat roast dinner with all the family.
  • Feeling guilty about being relieved when you go back to work on the Tuesday.

Easter Bank Holiday Bingo - just for fun!

I reckon we’ve managed most of them. How did you do? Was your Easter Bank Holiday as predictable as mine?