Review: Get More Vitamin Drinks

Going to a blogging event such as Blog On MOSI can be thirsty work, all that chatting and making new friends. During one of the breaks I was perusing the promotional stands and bumped into the friendly girls from More Vitamin Drinks. They noticed I looked a bit parched and slipped me a bottle or two of their vitamin water drinks to rehydrate me. I was eternally grateful, a cold fizzy flavoured water is one of the most refreshing drinks I know.

When I got home I emailed to thank them for their hospitality and they very kindly sent me (virtually) the full range of More Vitamin Drinks to try out.

more drinks

More Vitamin Drinks have two ranges of water based drinks for adults and children, with larger bottles for adults and the smaller “A Little More” range for children. Each bottle is enhanced with vitamins and minerals (each flavour is different) and it supposed to be great for helping to rehydrate you after exercise or in hot weather, or just whenever. It’s not a sports drink, it’s just a drink.

I was sent –
Still Mango & Passionfruit (vitamin D)
Sparkling Blackcurrant & Blueberry (vitamin A)
Still Cranberry & Pomegranate (minerals)
Sparkling Lemon & Lime (multivitamins)
Still Apple & Raspberry (B vitamins)
Sparkling Orange (vitamin C)
A little More – Apple (multivitamins)
A little More – Mango (vitamin D)

It just so happened that the week we tried the More Vitamin Drinks it was really quite hot. I went for a few walks down by the river and treated myself to a nicely chilled bottle while I was out. When I picked the small boy up from school I’d have a cold bottle ready for him to drink on his way home.

We enjoyed them all, obviously we all have our flavour preferences, I’m not keen on mango, but the boy loves it, I prefer fizzy, he prefers still, etc etc. I can’t comment on if the added vitamins had any instant effect, I liked the idea that I was putting something good in my body, but it was too short a testing period to see any significant benefits, although I can tell you they are cracking if you’ve got a hangover!

I do often reach for a cold fizzy water when I’m thirsty, especially in the summer. More Vitamin Drinks are low in calories, usually with under 10 calories per bottle, which is something I look for when I buy these kinds of drinks. I like that it’s not just a bog standard flavoured water and that it can help aid nutrition, but in this weather it’s just a really simple way of keeping hydrated.

I would definitely look out for these drinks in the future. They are available from a range of shops including Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda and Ocado, and sell they for around £1.45 per 500ml bottle. You can find out more about More Vitamin Drinks on their website.

More Drinks

Note: I was sent the bottles (pictured) of More Vitamin Drinks for review purposes, all images and opinions are my own.