That’s week one of my holiday done and dusted. Frankly I’m feeling much better already after the confusion, chaos and anxiety of the last few weeks. I’ve felt the need to blog a small update just because I’ve had so much love on twitter since I came out as an anxiety ridden worry-wart.
(I’m sorry if this looks terrible but I’m on some wifi in a pub and I don’t have my technology at hand to pretty it up. I will when I get home I promise.)
I’m on holiday in North Devon, the sun is shining and though I’m still tender of heart and quick to anger or tears I’m feeling so much better. My old and new twitter friends have rallied around me in a way which is unbearably touching and beautiful. Always checking on me and cheering me when I’m low and most importantly giving me a talking to when I need one.
I can’t change how I’m feeling overnight and this recent schism will take a while to heal, but I’m definitely feeling on the right road now. It’s not often I get fully in the grip of a PTSD/anxiety attack and I hope it won’t happen again ever, or in reality for a little while yet.
I’m feeling stronger and more positive and more like the me I was. I’m going to care less about the people who hurt me because if they really cared about me they wouldn’t.