9 ideas for things to do on Boxing Day

When I was a child, Boxing Day was always for turkey sandwiches and watching The Great Escape on the TV. Now I have a family of my own, we have our own traditions and ways we like to spend the day. I always think that after the jollity and excitement of Christmas, the days after can seem a bit flat. But Boxing Day is ripe for making your own fun, even if turkey sandwiches and old films are not your thing.

9 ideas for things to do on Boxing Day

Boxing Day is traditionally celebrated on 26 December, the day after Christmas Day. It is also sometimes known as St Stephen’s Day. The name Boxing Day comes from a time when the rich used to box up gifts to give to the poor. It was also traditionally a day off for servants who could go home on Boxing Day to see their families and give boxes of gifts to them.

9 ideas for things to do on Boxing Day

Blow away the cobwebs

A family walk is often a good way to spend Boxing Day. Whether it’s a stroll around your local park, a visit to a National Trust property, a trip to the beach or a family hike; it’s good to get out and get some fresh air and exercise.

Watch a movie

Whether it’s an old classic or a modern favourite, snuggling up on the sofa and sharing a bag of popcorn is a great way to spend a family afternoon. It’s low cost too, the Boxing Day TV schedules are packed with good films to choose from.

Lego unboxing day

This is a new tradition which is being promoted by Lego, and I think it’s a great one. Essentially, if you got Lego for Christmas, Boxing Day is the day to get it open and get building as a family. This is something we like to do anyway, so it’s nice to see it formally adopted by everyone else!

Watch a show or go and see a pantomime

Christmas is a great time to go to the theatre with the family. There are always great shows on at this time of year and of course, Christmas wouldn’t be the same without a trip to see a pantomime. Of course, 2020 is a bit different and most theatres are closed, but if you look around you can find drive-in shows and lots of theatres are live streaming pantomimes this year.

Sales Shopping

I’m not much of a shopper, but I do know of people who love the scrummage of a Boxing Day sale. If this is your idea of a good time, then good luck to you. I’m not sure what kind of high street sales will be on this year, but I’m sure there will be some bargains to be had online. And don’t forget your local shops, who need your support now more than ever. Happy shopping!

Christmas lights

Trips out to see festive lights, such as at Dunham Massey or The Lanterns at Chester Zoo have been growing in popularity over the last few years and in all the rush before Christmas, it can be hard to fit a trip in. Some of these lovely attractions run right up until New Year; so booking tickets for Boxing Day would be a lovely way to spend a few hours in the evening. Flasks of mulled wine and pockets full of mince pies are optional!

Watch some sports

Boxing Day is a big day for sports, with Premiership matches played, Test cricket and rugby games to choose from. They’ll be no watching it down the pub this year; but if you’re lucky you might be able to watch your favourite sports from the comfort of your own home.

101 ways with leftover turkey

Ok, so before Christmas you bought a turkey which would feed 14 and there were 6 people around the dining table. Now you have more turkey than you know what to do with. Today is the day to tackle the leftover turkey. Turkey sandwiches, turkey curry, turkey salad, you name it, put turkey in it. If in doubt, cut it into slices; then cover with gravy and freeze in portions for easy midweek roast dinners for the next few months.

Take the tree down!

This is another tradition I cannot get on board with, but other people can’t wait to take their tree down and de-festive the house. As soon as Christmas Day is over, all the decorations come down for another year and life returns to normal. Personally I leave everything up until twelfth night; but I can see the attraction of wanting to strip everything back to how it should be; especially when you’ve got a large and increasingly dead tree taking up too much space in your living room.

What will you be doing on Boxing Day? What are your traditions? I think we will be having a family walk and then we will watch a film and do some damage to a selection box or two. Merry Christmas!

9 ideas for things to do on Boxing Day