5 Ways To Launch A New Career

Last Updated on December 26, 2020 by HodgePodgeDays

Studies show that the average person goes through seven career changes during their lifetime. So, if you feel that the time for a change has arrived, you aren’t alone. Having the motivation to do something else is easy, but turning the dream into a reality is a little harder.

Knowing the different ways to launch a new career is especially important when you have other commitments to consider. Here are five of the best options at your disposal.

 1| Gain New Skills

 Education is the backbone of success in any career. So, if you want to take yours to the next level, developing new skills is vital. Whether it’s building on your current expertise or trying something new is up to you. A social work online degree lets you take on a range of well paid and emotional stimulating career paths. However, there are plenty of options on the market. The key is to find one that lets you become a better worker without needing to quit your job in the short term.

 2| Utilise Your Network

 The whole “it’s who you know” cliché isn’t 100% accurate. Nonetheless, it certainly pays to have a strong network. Letting contacts know that you are actively looking for a new start keeps your face in the picture. This can often lead to new opportunities. Meanwhile, their support through the recruitment process boosts your hopes of getting hired. Networking is a huge part of most modern job roles too, so it’s great practice for the net phase of your career.

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 3| Ask For A Relocation

 Feeling bored in your job doesn’t mean you’ve fallen out of love with the work. It’s possible that you simply need a change of scenery, especially if your personal life has got a little stale. If working for a national or multinational company, looking for internal transfers is a great way to start a new chapter. It may include a pay rise as you already boast great experience. Even if it doesn’t, the new challenge is something that could transform your world for the better.

 4| Get Experience

 The thought of taking on unpaid work might not sound overly appealing, especially if you’re in a paid job right now. In reality, though, taking on an internship (even unpaid) can be the ideal way to get your foot in the door. Besides, adding this to your CV shows employers that you have some experience and have the passion to work hard. These winning attributes will give you the best shot at landing the role of your dreams. If that doesn’t justify this option, what will?

 5| Go It Alone

 The harsh reality of life is that the opportunities won’t always present themselves to you. When this happens, creating them for yourself is the only solution. Whether you start blogging for business, selling items online, or working as an affiliate doesn’t matter. You could even start a mobile hairdressing service that enables you to establish a name for yourself in the local area. It will take a lot of hard work, but putting destiny in your hands can be very liberating indeed.

This is a contributed post.

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