Deodorant Review: Wild Natural Deodorant

We were sent some Wild Natural Deodorant to try for review purposes. All images and opinions are our own.

A little while ago, I tried giving up deodorant altogether. It was fine in January, but as the weather warmed up, it became clear I needed some kind of product. Now, I have incredibly sensitive skin, so I have to be a bit choosy about what I use. Even products specifically marketed to people with sensitive skin can make mine feel hot, red and tight. This month I was sent a vegan, sustainably produced natural deodorant to put to the test. Here’s how I got on.

Deodorant Review: Wild Natural Deodorant

Wild Natural Deodorant is tailor-made for people like me. It’s made with natural products and doesn’t contain any nasties you might be trying to avoid, like aluminium. It’s a deodorant rather than an antiperspirant, so it won’t stop you sweating. It will leave you feeling and smelling fresh. On top of that, it’s a sustainable solution, so you’re not buying cans and cans each month, or throwing heaps of plastic into landfill. You have an aluminium case (available in a range of styles) and you simply pop your refill into the the case, twist the bottom and it’s good to go.

I was sent an aqua coloured case and an ocean mist scented deodorant to try out. It comes in a neat little box with some instructions. It was easy to put together and replacing the deodorant when I’ve finished it will also be a piece of cake! The instructions are very easy to follow, and not at all complicated, even for someone as easily confused as I.

Deodorant Review: Wild Natural Deodorant

Is it suitable for sensitive skin?

Now, given I’ve been stung before in terms of sensitive skincare, I cautiously applied the deodorant on the back of my hand. I wanted to be sure my skin wouldn’t react. It did not. Emboldened by this, I swiped the more sensitive inside of my elbow, and a few hours later, I was feeling confident that all would be well. So after my next shower, I applied a few swipes of the Wild Natural Deodorant to my underarms, and all was well. What a relief!

The ocean mist deodorant has a really fresh scent, which is neither too feminine or masculine. It’s really subtle and I like that it’s not overwhelming at all. There are a number of different scents to choose from. You know yourself and your preferences best, so you’re bound to find one which fits the bill. I really liked the sound of the fresh cotton and sea salt one. There is also a range of deodorants designed for extra sensitive skin, which I’ll be looking into when it’s time to order my next refill.

Deodorant Review: Wild Natural Deodorant

Wild Natural Deodorant is free from nasties (no aluminium or sulphate). They are the world’s first deodorant that has compostable, plastic free refills, so it’s good for your body and the planet! I really love that the refill casing is made of bamboo, which absorbs 35% more carbon and produces 30% more oxygen than trees. It’s all recyclable and really well thought out. You can even get smaller sizer ones to travel with!

I’ve been using Wild National Deodorant for a few weeks now. Stopping using an antiperspirant altogether took a little bit of getting used to, but I’m really happy with this product. It feels like I’m doing my skin a favour. It feels kinder and softer and I know that I’m not adding a pile of deodorant cans each year to landfill. If you’re thinking of making a change to something more natural, or something kinder to the planet, then I would suggest taking a look at Wild.

Deodorant Review: Wild Natural Deodorant

Where can you buy Wild Natural Deodorant?

There are bundles to get you started, but on the website. A case costs from £10 (and this will likely last you for years) and the refills cost £6 each. Once you’ve got your case, then you just need to buy a refill every so often. Simple and sustainable. I’m a big fan already!

If you fancy giving Wild Natural Deodorant a try, you can get a discount if you use this link. Don’t forget to enter the code HODGEPODGE at the checkout.

Review: Revive Collagen Enhanced Plus

We were sent a supply of Revive Collagen Enhanced Plus for review purposes. All images and opinions are our own.

A couple of months ago, I was sat chatting with my friends about menopause (that’s a hot topic and will be for a while), when one of my friends said she’s been taking liquid collagen and she felt it was making a difference to her. Naturally we all immediately leapt on this and quizzed her further. She had apparently been taking it for about a year and her hair, nails, joints and wrinkle situation had improved considerably in that time. We were all very, very interested and I imagine everyone did what I did, which was go home and do some reading up on collagen.

Review: Revive Collagen Enhanced Plus

The benefits of taking collagen are pretty clear, there are a million articles on the internet about the upsides to this wonder supplement. Collagen provides structure, support or strength to your skin, muscles, bones and connective tissues and is said to help plump and smooth the skin, add volume to hair and strengthen nails. I’ve heard of sporty friends taking collagen and after a few months of use reporting that they feel suppler and stronger. With my bad back and face that’s starting to show my age, I thought it was high time I staged a personal intervention.

Typically for me, I’d looked around at what collagen supplements were available, got a bit paralysed by indecision and did nothing. Thankfully fate intervened and I was offered a months supply of Revive Collagen Enhanced Plus to put to the test. I’d read the reviews and looked at some before and after photos and liked what I saw, plus what harm could it do?

Revive Collagen is a beauty brand founded by Amanda Holden, that aims to deliver real results for women of all ages. As our body ages, our natural collagen levels deplete which results in our skin losing tone and elasticity, and showing an increase in fine lines and wrinkles. Revive Collagen produce liquid collagen that can be taken once daily for the best results. The collagen drinks by Revive Collagen have been shown to have an absorption rate of 90% to 95% which is considerably higher than regular collagen tablets, of which only 30 to 40% is absorbed by your body.

Revive Collagen Enhanced Plus is a “Hydrolysed Marine Collagen Drink”. I was sent a 28 day supply which contained 28 little sachets of the tropical flavoured fluid. Each sachet contains 10,000 mg of marine collagen, vitamins B6 and B12, vitamins C and D, keratin and retinol. I’m no scientist, so I’m just going to assume they’re all good things. What this product isn’t is, vegetarian or halal, though there is a vegan version available on the website should that tickle your fancy.

With a month to put this to the test, partly to see if I got on with it, and partly to see if it made an actual difference, I set to work. The trick is to remember to take it each day, so I kept my sachets by the kettle, so when I go for my morning brew, I have my morning shot of collagen too.

Review: Revive Collagen Enhanced Plus

Each dose is in an individual pouch with a twist off top. It’s ideal for throwing in your bag if you need to, or keeping by your kettle, like me. It has a tropical flavour and it tastes a little like undiluted squash. It’s absolutely fine if you’re ok with just necking it back. They suggest that you can use it like squash and dilute it with water. I think it would also be lovely stirred into Greek yoghurt or similar. It’s not as liquid as water, a little thicker and it’s not at all an unpleasant texture.

I’ve been taking it for a month now, and although I suspect it’ll take longer than that to notice a real change in my wrinkles and general health and vitality. It could well be my imagination, but I do feel physically a bit looser. I feel like I’m taking fewer painkillers for my back and unusually for November, when I look in the mirror, I think my skin looks like it has a bit of a glow. The eczema on my hands, which gets worse in winter looks a lot better than usual. I don’t have any cracks on the pads of my fingers, which makes typing this so much more comfortable.

One of the reasons I decided to take collagen was to help counteract the drying effects of menopause. Over the last year or two I’ve noticed I’m more prone to skin dryness and if daily collagen shots can help keep that in check, without it developing into a patch of something requiring a steroid cream, then I’m all up for this. Drinking a sachet daily can help to rebuild and restore your collagen levels. It’s not cheap, but then if you shop around, it’s on a par with other similar products.

I think for me, it’s about making an investment in myself. I’m a mum, I work hard, I have a busy life and I don’t have an awful lot of time to spend on myself. In gentler times I treated myself to regular spa days and facials, now it’s all I can do to exfoliate in the shower twice a week. Whilst knocking back a shot of collagen isn’t the kind of spa level pamper I might be craving, the results, or the intended results are to me, worth investing in.

Review: Revive Collagen Enhanced Plus

As I approach menopause, I know I need to treat myself better, differently and find ways to nourish myself from within, rather than topically treat things externally. If taking a dose of Revive Collagen Enhanced Plus each day is one of the tools in my armoury which keep the effects of aging at bay, and not just the cosmetic sides of growing older, then it is a worthwhile investment. And if you don’t want to take my word for it, there are around 214 reviews on the website that would largely agree with me.

After a month, I’m perhaps starting to sense the green shoots of recovery. I will keep on taking the Revive Collagen Enhanced Plus shots each day and see how I get on with them in the long term. It’s not an instant thing, but one worth persisting with, and persist I will.

You can buy Revive Collagen Enhanced Plus directly from the website, but it’s also available from places like Boots and Holland and Barratt

Review: Surcare Laundry Capsules for Sensitive Skin

We were sent a selection of Surcare products for review purposes. All images and opinions are our own.

Living through a pandemic is stressful and as a sensitive soul in many ways, my skin has been the most visible indicator of my internal stress levels. For the first time in my life I’ve had acne and my long standing battle with eczema has been raging harder than ever. The patches of eczema are multiplying and even slapping on my usual steroid cream isn’t making much of a difference. Lockdown has made me itchy and I’ve had enough.

Usually when I have a flare up, I know it’s time to up my personal skincare regime; perhaps it’s time to treat myself to a new duvet and pillows, and to look at the products I use just in case there is something lurking in my cleaning cupboard that’s agitating me.

Surcare Laundry Capsules for Sensitive Skin

For years now I’ve used standard supermarket sensitive washing powder. Nothing exciting, no fancy scents or harsh ultra cleaning power. It’s been fine, but it’s not been outstanding, and it was time for a change.

I’ve heard about Surcare before, but I always looked at it as a specialist laundry product for people with seriously bad skin problems. I’ve never considered using it for my own washing before.

We tried the Surcare Non-Bio Laundry Capsules, which are little pillows of liquid which you just throw in the wash. I was a big fan of this as I don’t think I’ve ever not spilled laundry powder or dribble liquid everywhere. I’m a bit of an oaf really. The outside of the capsules just melts away in the wash and it’s very neat and tidy.

The capsules contain just the right dose (24.5mls) for your standard wash. It’s extra concentrated too, so that little does go a long way. They have no fragrance, acids, enzymes or dyes; which is ideal for those with sensitive skin.

I have to say, I am impressed. I’ve been using Surcare for a couple of weeks now. My clothes are clean and fresh smelling, it seems great on stains and I’ve washed my bedding and towels with it too. I am very happy with Surcare Non-Bio Laundry Capsules and I would absolutely buy them again.

Surcare Laundry Capsules for Sensitive Skin

People often feel that changing to a brand designed for sensitive skin means they have to compromise on the effectiveness of the product; but Surcare is just as good, if not quite a bit better than what we have been using. I’ve been very impressed with how clean and fresh smelling my washing has been since we changed.

They’re currently available online and in-store from Sainsbury’s and it costs £5.25 for a pack of 20 of the capsules. The range is also available from Tesco, Morrisons, Waitrose and Co-op. These Surcare products have got the Allergy UK Seal of Approval and are kind to even the most delicate skin.

Other sensitive products in the Surcare range are;
-Non-Bio Laundry Liquid – for colour protection and outstanding clean results
-Non-Bio Laundry Powder – for a deeper clean
-Fabric Softener – for softer fabrics against sensitive skin
-Washing Up Liquid – for sparkling dishes and protected hands

Surcare are currently running a competition to win a year’s supply of laundry capsules. The competition ends on 22nd March 2021, you can enter on their website. You can also follow them on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest to keep up with their news, offers, skincare advice and giveaways there!

Dealing with Sun Cream refusers, with Childs Farm

AD/Gifted Product. I think it’s probably fair to say that most people don’t enjoy wearing sun cream. It’s sticky and greasy and it quite often brings me out in spots. If you’ve got a sensory disorder, like my son, then even the merest suggestion of putting sun cream on can be really challenging. I can’t keep him in all summer, and for a while we have compromised with a big sunhat and just cream on his arms, but a sunny holiday in Devon and us all wanting some beach time means, that we have had to insist on sun cream on all of his uncovered bits.

Over the years we have tried all kinds of tricks to get sun cream on him. We have applied it while he is asleep, we have ambushed him and we have tried getting him to put cream on us so he knows it’s ok. This week we showed him some pictures of bad sunburn, so he knew what could happen if he wasn’t careful and I gave him a bag of Childs Farm creams and carefully explained why he really needed to use them. He started by helping put sun cream on me, the back of my neck always gets a bit pink and is one of the areas he dislikes the cream the most, so he used a roll on cream on me, then rubbed it in. He’s a helpful boy.

There was a spray one which he used on my arms. He liked spraying the cream too. He seemed to react most negatively to the more traditional lotion. I let him rub some on my arms, then I admired his handy work. He went away and obviously thought about it for a little while, then came back and picked up the roll on cream and tried it on his arms. This was a really positive step, so I tentatively suggested he try it on his legs. This went down surprisingly well and a few minutes later he was dancing around my room shouting “Mum, I’ve overcome my greatest fear” whilst rubbing sun cream on the back of his neck.

This was all such a huge breakthrough, huge. I genuinely could have wept with relief. I’m not sure what the catalyst was. It could have been me patiently going through things again with him, it could have been the sunburn photos, it could have been having his own sun creams, or it could have been me saying we wouldn’t be able to go to the beach again if he wasn’t wearing cream. Whatever it was it worked, and I’m forever grateful.

Dealing with Sun Cream refusers, with Childs Farm

He’s very familiar with the Childs Farm brand, he uses quite a lot of their products at bath time anyway. I think using a brand he already enjoys was helpful too. I really like using their moisturiser myself, so I knew the sun cream would be kind to my sensitive skin too.

The Childs Farm sun cream range has factor 30 and 50 spf sun creams, most of which are water resistant and protects from UVA and UVB rays. It is suitable for babies and children and adults. It is dermatologist and paediatrician approved and suitable for sensitive skin and safe for people who may be prone to eczema.

We were sent a selection of sun creams and were not asked for anything in exchange. I wrote about our experience because it’s been so hard for us to get our son to use any cream at all!

Skincare: Montagne Jeunesse Charcoal Peel Off Mask

I like to give my skin a bit of TLC every so often. I swear by a good moisturiser, regular gentle exfoliation and the occasional pampering face mask. I’d seen these relatively new charcoal face masks online before but never tried one, so I put the Montagne Jeunesse Charcoal Peel Off Mask to the test.

The Montagne Jeunesse Charcoal Peel Off Mask contains activated charcoal, pressed birch leaf and crushed witch hazel which draw out impurities and also calm and soothe problem skin. I don’t have problem skin, but I had high hopes the mask would give my pores a deep clean.

Skincare: Montagne Jeunesse Charcoal Peel Off Mask

Activated charcoal seems to be a popular product at the moment with it being used in toothpastes and cleansing products. The detoxifying charcoal in the face mask absorbs excess oil and impurities. I was keen to give the Montagne Jeunesse Charcoal Peel Off Mask a try.

To use the mask, cleanse your skin with warm water, smooth over the mask with your fingertips, leave the mask to dry for 25 minutes. Once dry, peel the mask off. Your skin should look and feel smooth and clean.

Skincare: Montagne Jeunesse Charcoal Peel Off Mask

The mask had a slightly gloopy texture, but it wasn’t runny so it was quite easy to smooth on my face. I have quite sensitive skin and this was very gentle for me. I left the mask to dry for 25 minutes and then peeled it off. This did not hurt at all, it was a very gentle process. Peel off masks should not hurt you.

Charcoal Peel Off Mask – My verdict

I’m a big fan of peel off masks, I like the idea that as you’re peeling them off they are gently pulling the dirt from your pores. I’m not sure if it did or not, but it did leave my skin feeling incredibly soft and clean.

I would absolutely use this Montagne Jeunesse Charcoal Peel Off Mask again. I was really impressed with how it brightened my skin and left it soft and glowing.

The 10g sachet of face mask costs £1 from Boots and is widely available in chemists and supermarkets. The Montagne Jeunesse Charcoal Peel Off Mask is PETA certified cruelty free and is Vegetarian Society Approved.

Skincare: Montagne Jeunesse Charcoal Peel Off Mask
No make up, no filters, just my naked 42 year old face!

Skincare: Montagne Jeunesse Dead Sea Mud Mask

On a recent girls weekend we all brought along some pampering treats. The aim of the weekend was to relax, have fun and return home with our skin glowing and feeling pampered. In my box of treats I took some body scrubs, hair treatments and a selection of Montagne Jeunesse face masks for the girls. I put the Montagne Jeunesse Dead Sea Mud Mask to the test. How did my middle-aged skin get on with this mask?

Dead Sea Mud Mask

The Montagne Jeunesse Dead Sea Mud Mask is an ultra deep pore cleansing mask made from Dead Sea mud, lavender and sea kelp nutrients. The mud helps to draw out impurities and open blocked pores to leave you with clean, soft skin. The mask is apparently ideal for oily skin, is PETA certified cruelty free and is Vegetarian Society Approved.

To use the Dead Sea Mud Mask, cleanse your face with warm water. Then you apply it evenly all over your face and neck with your fingertips. Take care to avoid your eyes and mouth. Then relax for 15 or so minutes while the mask dries, you might feel it crack when you move your face.

Dead Sea Mud Mask

Once it’s dry and cracking, wash the mask off. I found it easiest to hop in the shower to rinse it off. Your skin should feel soft and really clean.

Dead Sea Mud Mask – My Verdict:

I am a big fan of Dead Sea Mud Masks and I’ve tried lots of different mud mask brands over the years. I found the Montagne Jeunesse Dead Sea Mud Mask gave a really thorough cleanse and my skin did indeed feel squeaky clean afterwards.

The mask smelt good, there was a nice gentle lavender scent but without it being overpowering. The mask felt thick and was easy to apply. I did feel that it dried my skin out a little; but I don’t have the kind of oily skin the mask is designed to treat. It’s perhaps more appropriate for teenage skin. Having said that, I’m pleased with the results and I would use this mask again.

The Dead Sea Mud Mask comes in a 20g sachet and I usually find if you’re frugal with the masks there is just about enough for two applications. I bought the mask from Boots and it cost me £1. The Montagne Jeunesse range of masks is widely available in chemists and supermarkets.

Dead Sea Mud Mask
No make up, no filters. My skin is fresh and glowing!

Skincare: A Little Lift Serum from Angela Langford

I’m constantly searching for a miracle lotion or potion that will whisk away my wrinkles and leave me with the dewy skin of a 20 year old. I’m also a realist and I know nothing like that exists this side of a surgeon’s knife, and that’s a road I don’t want to go down. I will happily settle for good skincare products. No, great skincare products. Which is why I found myself trying a firming face serum from Angela Langford.

Angela Langford is a former Masterchef finalist who has branched out into making organic skincare products. The range is extensive and I think pretty much all skin types and needs are covered. If you’re not sure what you need, you are encouraged to contact them for a chat, which is nice.

Skincare: A Little Lift Serum from Angela Langford

I put the ‘A Little Lift Serum’ (£31) to the test. It is described as a plumping and lifting serum for when your skin is losing elasticity or tone. The pump-action bottle contains 30mls of the serum, is made in Britain and is 99% natural.

The ‘A Little Lift Serum’ from Angela Langford contains a range of “botanical super ingredients”, specifically spilanthes acmelia flowers, otherwise known as electric daisies. These are mixed with frankincense, pumpkin seed, argan and hyaluronic acid to nourish, refine and hydrate your skin.

I have the most sensitive skin on my face. Even products marketed for people with sensitive skin often make the skin on my face tight, red and rashy. I have to be really careful with what I use and because my skin flares up so easily I tend to stick with one or two basic brands. My sensitivity means I’m less likely to splash out on an all singing, all dancing serum or cream without trying it for a few days first.

To use the ‘A Little Lift Serum’, I used two pumps of the serum and smoothed it onto my clean face and neck, let it sink in for a few moments and then moisturised normally afterwards. You can use it morning and night.

Skincare: A Little Lift Serum from Angela Langford

I was worried that the ‘A Little Lift Serum’ would leave me red faced and itchy, even organic and natural products are a risk. I had nothing to worry about. The serum and my skin got on fine, really well in fact. The serum was soaked up by my thirsty skin each time I used it. My face felt tighter, but the good kind of tight and it looked brighter.

One of the nicest things for me was the smell. It smelt like the very high-end products they use in good spas. Every time I smoothed it on it felt like I was giving myself a little pamper. The scent of the serum lingered for a while afterwards and it’s quite a nice calming aroma.

I was really very impressed with this serum from Angela Langford. It’s a good product that makes my skin feel great and the smell is gorgeous too. I’m already compiling an Angela Langford wish list for Christmas!

For more information about skincare products from Angela Langford visit her website.

Note: I was sent this serum for review purposes. All images and opinions are our own.

Skincare Review: DermaSalve Hand Cream

Winter is hell on your hands. I don’t think I know anyone who doesn’t struggle with dry hands over the winter months, it’s really uncomfortable. I have eczema on my hands, I always have done, so I’m forever moisturising them. I’m not sure how this is possible, but I find that some moisturisers make my skin feel even drier. It’s hard for me to find a brand I get on with, which won’t cause flare-ups and one which will deliver the level of moisturisation I need.

This month I’ve been trying DermaSalve Hand Cream for dry and sensitive hands. It’s formulated to help keep skin looking and feeling healthy and contains no known irritants. It’s been designed to be used for dry skin conditions including eczema and is gentle enough to be used every day.

Skincare Review: DermaSalve Hand Cream

I tried the 200ml hand pump version of the DermaSalve Hand Cream. I think moisturisers in hand pumps are so much easier to use than a tube that you’ve got to try and screw the lid back on with slippery fingers. The pump dispenses just enough for my hands and has a slight foaming action when you pump some out.

The hand cream is white and not too thick and cloying which some creams can be. It is smooth and is easy to rub into your skin, and for me it sinks in well leaving my skin feeling silky smooth to the touch.

There is no fragrance added to it, I think it has a smell which reminds me slightly of oats, but it’s only noticeable if you give your hand a good sniff.

The DermaSalve hand cream costs around £8.99 and does not contain alcohol, fragrances, parabens, lanolin, steroids or other harmful irritants. Instead it uses natural wheat germ, jojoba in combination with aloe vera and vitamins to moisturise your skin.

It’s not greasy and your hands feel like they’ve been well moisturised for a good while after. I know sometimes I moisturise my hands and I need to moisturise them again and again as the moisturiser I’m using doesn’t deliver. 

My hands are working hard at the moment, looking after my family and cleaning up after the new puppy. I’m washing my hands more, going from a central heated house to the chill outside and back again. My hands get dry, the skin on my fingers split and they need a lot of TLC. 

Skincare Review: DermaSalve Hand Cream

I’ve been using this for about a week now. I use it after my morning shower and again in the evening. I’m really pleased with how my hands feel after I’ve used the DermaSalve Hand Cream.

I think when it comes to moisturisers, and especially if you’ve got dry or sensitive skin, or eczema; you have to try a lot of moisturisers to find the ones which work for you. I thought that the DermaSalve Hand Cream delivered the extra moisturising boost my hands needed at a time when they needed it the most.

DermaSalve also make face cream, body cream, baby & infant cream and foot & heel cream. I’m especially interested in trying the foot cream as I have eczema there too. I wonder if DermaSalve can solve my eczema problem for good. 

For more information about DermaSalve Hand Cream and other products, visit their website.

Note: I was sent the DermaSalve Hand Cream for review purposes. All images and opinions are my own.

Skincare: Experiencing Fractional Mesotherapy

If you’ve never heard of Fractional Mesotherapy before, don’t worry, neither had I. That was until a few weeks ago when I was invited along to the Rejuvenate Skin Clinic in Manchester to try one of their treatments.

I could have played it safe and had a nice pampering facial, but as I’d turned 40 a couple of months ago, I was happy to step out of my comfort zone and try something which could make a real difference to my appearance.

Fractional Mesotherapy is where a tailored cocktail of active ingredients including vitamins, peptides, hyaluronic acid and collagen are microinjected into the skin to plump out and smooth areas of concern.

If you cut through the big words, basically they take a dermapen with several sterile fine needles inside and then stamp and circle your skin with it. This makes fine channels in the skin so they can push the vitamins directly into the dermal layer. Yes, it does sound a bit odd, but I was prepared to give it a go.

Fractional Mesotherapy

I arrived at the Rejuvenate Skin Clinic on Swan Street, just on the outer fringes of Manchester’s Northern Quarter and was greeted by Leena, the Clinic Manager. She gave me a tour of the clinic and then we settled in the Fractional Mesotherapy treatment room where she talked me through what the treatment would involve.

I’d seen lots of before and after photos in the clinic (and there a lots on the internet too, looking at them has become a bit of an addiction). I was excited to see how I would look after the treatment. Leena explained that the treatment had “minimal downtime” which means that my face should look a bit pink for a few hours afterwards but look normal within a day or so.

Fractional Mesotherapy

My treatment began with Leena having a really good look at my skin to see where my problem areas were. I told her where I was most concerned about and she focused her attention on the parts of my face which needed it.

She then cleansed my skin and began the stamping process on my forehead. It wasn’t that bad and not painful. It was a little uncomfortable in parts, more so across my forehead, but I guess there’s not much fat and muscle underneath my skin there. Leena would stamp or circle an area with the needles and then gently massage in a vitamin serum she’d mixed up for me based on my needs. The idea is that this helps to stimulate the natural production of collagen, making the skin look and feel fresher and tighter.

Just before and just after my Fractional Mesotherapy treatment.
Just before and just after my Fractional Mesotherapy treatment.

The micro-needling lasted around 45 minutes and whilst I was glad it was over, I would be happy to have it done again, so it really wasn’t too bad. It was never painful, just a bit strange feeling. To calm my skin after the treatment I relaxed for ten minutes with a cooling saline mask which did feel very soothing.

For the rest of the day my skin was quite pink. The next day it was a lot better, and it was only pink in the areas where Leena had focused her attentions on. You’re not really allowed to use soap, make up, moisturisers or other products on your skin for a day or two afterwards. I was given some of the serum to take home and rub in, which again was very soothing. At no point was my skin sore or bothering me in any way. It just looked a little bit pink in places for a few hours.

Fractional Mesotherapy is good for dark circles, fine lines and wrinkles as well as scars and stretchmarks. It is very much a non-surgical treatment which you can use to give your skin a boost a few days before an occasion. They recommend a course of several treatments for you to be able to see real results in the long term.

Fractional Mesotherapy
Two days after my Fractional Mesotherapy treatment

I had one treatment, but I was delighted with the results. After 48 hours my skin looked tighter, it glowed and my fine lines were less noticeable. My skin wasn’t dry, but it was perhaps a little thirstier than usual. I followed the aftercare instructions to the letter and I’m very, very happy with the results.

Would I have Fractional Mesotherapy again? Yes I would. It’s not a pampering treatment, and not something I’d choose if I wanted a relaxing treat; but it is a real alternative to botox, fillers and other surgical options. Several of my friends have commented on how good my skin looks since my visit to the clinic too.

Fractional Mesotherapy

I thought that the staff at Rejuvenate Skin Clinic in Manchester were friendly and professional. They were knowledgeable about the treatments and they prepared me well for something that was a little out of my usual comfort zone. The clinic was scrupulously clean, everything was sterile and Leena made sure to wear gloves throughout my treatment.

Rejuvenate Skin Clinic in Manchester offers a range of treatments and therapies for a range of skin conditions for both men and women. It’s a comfortable, discrete clinic, 5 minutes walk from Market Street. It’s somewhere I would very happily go again for further treatments.

For more information about Fractional Mesotherapy or the Rejuvenate Skin Clinic in Manchester, visit their website.

Rejuvenate Skin Clinic, 11 Swan Street, Northern Quarter, Manchester, M4 5JJ Tel: 0161 819 5555

I was an invited guest of the Rejuvenate Skin Clinic in Manchester. I received this treatment in exchange for this blog post. All images and opinions are my own.

Spa Days: The Spa at The Midland, Manchester

Over the weekend my husband took me to The Midland Hotel in Manchester for a romantic weekend to celebrate my birthday. My gift from him was a night in a suite; a nine course meal in The French and some time in The Spa at The Midland. It was not the worst present I’ve ever been given. The boy did very well.

The Spa at The Midland

I am VERY fond of a spa day. Sometimes I will go to a spa for a treatment or two and then chill out in the thermal rooms. Sometimes I will just go for a swim, a sauna and a steam. I find thermal rooms are very good for my back (I have chronic pain). The warmth of a sauna or a steam room really eases my old bones, so a spa day isn’t just a nice treat, it’s like therapy.

As a guest at The Midland if you just want to use the spa; all you do is phone the Spa Reception and they’ll book you in for a time. This is so the spa doesn’t get too busy and noisy. If you’re not staying in the hotel, then you’ll need to book a spa day. There are a range of different options on their website.

The Spa at The Midland has won a whole host of awards including Best City Spa Break Manchester, Best City Spa Day Manchester and Best Hotel Spa Manchester. The Spa at The Midland has also been named as ‘Best City Spa’ in The Candis 2016 Spa Awards. It is very good.

Take the lift to the lower ground floor and open the door to the spa; the smell of soothing essential oils permeates up the corridor to the spa reception. We were greeted by one of the staff; given a fluffy towel, a robe and slippers and directed to the changing rooms.

The Spa at The Midland

The communal changing rooms are a little on the small side, but if they only have small numbers in at a time it shouldn’t be an issue. The changing area has showers as well as an area where you can dry and straighten your hair.

I headed straight for the pool area, taking a shower before diving in. The shower has three different settings, and is a bit of an experience in itself. The cool misty shower is great after the sauna.

The pool isn’t large, but it’s big enough to do a few gentle laps before sitting in the jacuzzi. The jacuzzi is very warm, it was too warm for my husband; but the bubbles pummelled my back in all the right places so I did spend quite a lot of time in there.

There is a small sauna and a steam room tucked away near the tropical shower area. Both rooms are probably big enough for 4 or 5 people but no more. I really enjoyed both rooms and I would very much like to go back and spend some more time in them. There is something very cleansing about having a sauna and a steam; I’d recommend it, especially if you suffer with aches and pains.

I didn’t venture into the relaxation room, but hubs spent quite a lot of time in there; he made himself a herbal tea, found a restful corner and promptly fell asleep. I do enjoy a relaxation room after I’ve had a treatment, they’re good places to chill out in whilst you come round after a massage or facial. Or if you’re my husband, a great place to have a nap.

The Spa at The Midland

We spent a couple of hours enjoying the pool and thermal suites before heading back to our room to get ready for dinner. We didn’t have the time to try out any of the treatments on offer at The Spa at The Midland, but that is something we will look at for our next visit.

The Spa at The Midland also has a gym, a number of treatment rooms and a cafe to enjoy when you visit. I’ve been to a lot of spas and this felt very luxurious; it was clean, the lighting was soft and relaxing and the staff were attentive without been obtrusive. I enjoyed my couple of hours in the spa very much and I’m looking forward to our return.

For more information and more detailed photographs (I didn’t take any photos inside the spa for obvious reasons), visit The Spa at The Midland website.