What’s your “can’t be bothered” tea?

Last Updated on November 6, 2014 by HodgePodgeDays

As the clock struck 5pm, two hungry boys looked at me expectantly. They wanted feeding and I had neither an array of exciting ingredients, nor the motivation to throw them together to create a delicious and nutritious meal.

I am largely a cook it from scratch girl, but with a lazy streak. I’ll cook double the amount of chilli and freeze half for a lazier day. Tonight I was all can’t be bothered, so I threw together a pan of pasta and pesto and we all chowed down. There are worse things to eat, but it was a meal of fuel rather than fancy, but that was fine.

Afterwards I sat down with my iPad and tweeted this…

Can't be bothered

I was interested because I can’t remember a time before pasta and pesto, it kind of arrived on the culinary scene just as I toddled off to uni and formed the basis of many, many meals there. So much so I couldn’t eat it for about three years after I left. My tweet brought a small flurry of responses…

Can't be bothered

Can't be botheredimageimageimageimage

There are some pretty interesting responses here. Easy stuff on toast and pasta six ways seems to be the order of the day. I wonder if it’s just me who feels a bit of parental guilt about not providing a meal containing seven vegetables and an organic, free-range source of protein. Sometimes a family with full bellies is all that you need to call a meal time a success.

It’s hard to make time to prep and cook a from scratch meal every night, it doesn’t matter what Jamie Oliver says, I defy him to cook a meal with a child clinging to his leg screeching “but I’m hun-grreeeeee”. A mid-week can’t be bothered meal is nothing to feel bad about. Honest.

What’s your favourite can’t be bothered meal? I am genuinely interested.

10 thoughts on “What’s your “can’t be bothered” tea?

  1. I do “homemade pizzas” which is basically pitta bread with tomato purée, ham and cheese! I usually always have these items in my fridge/cupboard.

    My boys love it as they get to help make them too

  2. Yes,I agree with you and the Jamie Oliver comment. I have two kids and a puppy. One or all is usually at my feet and it’s hard to concentrate with their complaint or arguing etc. I do try and cook most nights but it’s hard at times. It’s good to have left overs frozen, and I usually do a “pot luck” or “store cupboard” night, where everything gets chucked at them. It could be fish, frozen veg or a pizza and something else. As long as they eat, and it’s fairly healthy… Although we do have a take away once a week:)

  3. I agree with you that pasta and pesto is a bit of a tricky one to beat, though it know cheese on toast, fishfinger sandwiches and pasta with ham & cheese also goes down rather nicely in this house. Thank you for linking up with #SundayStars love Steph xxxx

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