8 Amazing Aubergine Recipes

I love aubergines. They are by far my favourite vegetable in a world full of gorgeous veg. I know they can be a bit love/hate, but I maintain that most of the people who say they hate aubergine have just never eaten one which has been properly cooked. An undercooked aubergine is a woolly, spongy nightmare, whereas a properly cooked aubergine is a soft and yielding thing of rich, luxurious beauty.

Aubergines are something I cook with pretty often. As a vegetarian they are a hearty culinary gift. I love Mediterranean food, and the aubergine is often showcased spectacularly in Mediterranean cookery. I quite often cook Armenian food and one of our favourite recipes is imam bayildi, which almost feels like a health food it’s so packed full of veg.

8 Amazing Aubergine Recipes

Aubergines are really great for dicing and throwing into chilli and other slow simmered dishes. I often do this as it’s a great way to sneak a bit of extra veg into my family. It also melts down to nothing if you do this, so no one will ever know!

I’ve picked out some of my favourite aubergine recipes; partly because for me it’s handy to have all the links in one place, but also because other aubergine fans might like to try them out too.

8 Amazing Aubergine Recipes

Imam bayildi – this is a delicious Armenian style baked aubergine, filled with lots of healthy vegetables and baked in the oven until the aubergine is soft and silky. It’s by far my favourite recipe in the world.

Aubergine bruschetta – this tasty dish makes a delicious starter for a dinner party, or a lovely hearty lunch for the family. It is so delicious, it is a regular weekend lunch for us.

Vegetarian Recipe: Aubergine Bruschetta

I love making a filo pie, often with feta and spinach, but this version made with a jar of aubergine is so tasty. Served with a crisp salad and a glass of wine, it’s a simple but elegant meal.

Moussaka is a classic dish in the world of aubergines. It’s not always the quickest meal to put together, but on a cold autumnal weekend, it’s a lovely thing to spend time making. Here’s a slimming world version from blogger Jen Mellor.

One pot aubergine pasta – this recipe from Abel and Cole is a firm family favourite of ours. It is pretty quick to throw together. It’s incredibly tasty and it’s all cooked in one pot, so there’s minimal washing up. It’s a winner!

One of my favourite quick but delicious dishes to make is shakshuka. Blogger Savvy Dad has come up with a vegan version using aubergine, which sounds so good!

Ikra is a delicious Armenian aubergine dip which goes great with crusty bread or on a mezze board. I often whip up a batch for the weekend. It’s a solid staple at my favourite Armenian deli, but it’s also great to make at home too.

8 Amazing Aubergine Recipes

Who doesn’t love a good curry? Becky from A Beautiful Space has shared this incredible looking courgette and aubergine curry, featuring two of my favourite vegetables. This is one to bookmark for later!

What’s your favourite aubergine recipe? I am always on the look out for new ways to use this beautiful vegetable. Let me know in the comments!

8 Amazing Aubergine Recipes

Vegetarian Recipe: Aubergine Bruschetta

AD/Complimentary ingredients. Aubergine is probably one of my favourite vegetables. Admittedly it took me a while to warm to it, if it’s not cooked properly it can be pretty disgusting. These days I am probably cooking with aubergine once a week. My recipe for imam bayildi is a firm family favourite, as well as the delicious dip, ikra, but I’ve also added Aubergine Parmigiana to my repertoire.

If I’m cooking a casual lunch for friends, I like to make a few simple things to go with a big salad. One of my favourite things to make are these tasty aubergine bruschetta. They’re packed full of vegetables, they’re pretty healthy and they always go down a storm.

Vegetarian Recipe: Aubergine Bruschetta

This week I ordered a Local Box from Creamline Diaries. With the Creamline Best of Local Box scheme, you can get brilliant locally produced food from independent producers delivered to your door. The meat is from my local butchers, the bread is from a fantastic local baker and fresh fish from the fishmongers. The fruit and veg are fresh from the market each day and you can even stock up your store cupboard. 

Vegetarian Recipe: Aubergine Bruschetta

My Creamline box was brilliant and contained pretty much everything I needed to make this delicious aubergine bruschetta. It’s just the thing if you want to shop local, but don’t really have the time to visit all your local shops, or if you just can’t carry all your shopping home. 

Aubergine Bruschetta


1 large aubergine
1 medium onion, finely diced (I prefer red, but a white onion works too)
2 cloves of garlic
1 pepper, finely diced. It’s traditional to use green, but I used red for colour
Olive oil
12 ripe cherry tomatoes, quartered
Big handful of chopped parsley
Tomato purée, if you think it needs it
1 teaspoon of sugar
Salt & pepper
Ciabatta bread
A ball of mozzarella cheese.


I find it best to chop all the veg before I start cooking, so finely dice your onion and pepper, quarter your cherry tomatoes and put to one side while you prep the aubergine. Cut the aubergine in half lengthways and finely dice one half. With the other half, slice lengthways it in thick, 1cm slices.

Add a generous glug of olive oil to a deep sided frying pan, add the onions, pepper and aubergine and begin to soften the veg. This should take around half an hour on a low heat, stir occasionally. Add a splash of water to help the veg soften. After you’ve been cooking this for around 15 mins, add your tomatoes, garlic and a generous amount of salt and pepper. It’s cooked when all the veg are soft and the aubergine is melty and isn’t woolly. Once cooked, throw in a handful of chopped parsley and stir.

Vegetarian Recipe: Aubergine Bruschetta

As ever, taste the aubergine and add more seasoning if you think it needs it. I sometimes add a little bit of chilli sauce to add a bit of spice, but that’s up to you.

Meanwhile, take your aubergine slices and put them on a baking tray, add a very generous amount of olive oil and cook in a 200c oven, loosely covered in foil until they are soft and floppy, this will take about half an hour, turn them over about half way through.

To assemble your aubergine bruschetta, toast or griddle thick slices of ciabatta brushed with olive oil, top with your aubergine and veg mix, then artfully decorate with your slices of aubergine, some torn mozzarella and a sprinkle of chopped parsley. You can eat this hot or cold, though I like them still warm, but not piping hot.

For more information about Creamline Dairies, visit their website.

Vegetarian Recipe: Aubergine Bruschetta

Note, we were sent this box in exchange for a blog post mentioning the box scheme.