The Daily Grind – Finding Caffeinated Happiness

I have for a number of years been a proper coffee addict. Everything about a good cup of coffee sings of happiness. The smell of freshly ground beans in the morning is enough to make my mouth water, and a decent pot of coffee is the key to my productivity as a copywriter and I love a lazy weekend with a pot of coffee and all the newspaper supplements I can manage. Though if you push it too far with the strong stuff you can be burning the midnight oil for all the wrong reasons.

I was converted to the joy of freshly ground beans by my father-in-law, a great man who grew up drinking steaming shots of sturdy middle eastern style coffee and very much enjoyed sharing his love of coffee with me. He taught me the finer points of making a good brew and where to find the best roasted beans, though these days the world is awash with artisan coffee bean roasters who boast beans from across the globe and a thousand different flavour notes. My father-in-law had a seriously beautiful antique coffee grinder on his kitchen wall and I loved standing by it as he ground the beans for his next brew, it just smelt so darn good.

When hubs and I moved into our home together, along with all the relentlessly practical things any household needs, top of my list was a good coffee pot and a good quality coffee grinder. We searched around a bit for what I wanted and eventually found a really good quality coffee grinder from John Lewis. It’s done nearly four years of almost daily service and it’s still blessing me with caffeinated happiness every day.

I couldn’t exist without my coffee, it puts a spring in my step and some zing in my day, I know I would be a sleepier, grumpier person without it.

coffee grinder

Review: York Coffee Emporium – gourmet coffee

We were sent a bag of Ethiopian Kaffa Forest beans from York Coffee Emporium for review purposes. All images and opinions are our own.

My love of a good brew is not a secret. We recently put our gorgeous retro coffee grinder on our kitchen wall and we were desperate to use it, with a degree of perfect timing we were sent some lovely beans from York Coffee Emporium to try.

The beans we were sent were Ethiopian Kaffa Forest beans and had been freshly roasted in York. Just grinding the beans made the house smell absolutely incredible (if you’re trying to sell your house, don’t bother making a pot of coffee, grind the beans instead, it’s just fantastic).

My friend has a cafe which is well known for its tea, but when I visit him we always drink pot after pot of good strong coffee, so I was keen to try it out with him.

We brewed the coffee and it smelt beautiful. The flavour was mellow, almost chocolatey caramel, it’s a really easy drinking coffee and perfect for weekend drinking whilst leisurely reading the papers. The Ethiopian Kaffa was described on the packet as having “lovely floral notes; delicious juicy apricot, forest honey and tongue hugging caramel”. We didn’t really get the apricot, but it was a delightfully soothing mocha-caramel brew.

I fancied something sweet, so we made a little take on affogato. Traditionally it’s a shot of espresso poured over vanilla gelato or ice cream; sometimes with a liqueur poured over the top. Bereft of liqueur I sweetened a shot of the Ethiopian Kaffa with sugar and poured it over some ice cream. It was delicious, admittedly not the traditional affogato, but close enough for a daytime treat.

York coffee emporium

The Ethiopian Kaffa is a bit deceptive. It doesn’t taste super-strong, in fact we both drank double the amount of coffee we normally would. It’s so mellow and buttery and easy to drink. York Coffee Emporium give this a 4/5 strength rating. As I type this a good two hours after drinking two pots I’m feeling a lovely coffee buzz. Do not be deceived by it.

It’s a lovely cuppa and I’m looking forward to enjoying it again whilst perusing the Sunday papers. I’ll most definitely be ordering from York Coffee Emporium again, I’m pretty keen to try a few of their other roasts and blends, my coffee loving cafe owning friend was impressed enough to say he’d stock it, so it must be good!