Review: OXO Tot Toilet Seat Trainer & Drinking Cups

Toilet training can be a difficult time for everyone involved. A little over two years ago we began to potty train the boy. He was three and a bit, we waited until he was ready and he pretty quickly got the hang of it. I don’t want to embarrass him in later life, but going for a wee was not an issue, but having a sit down visit to the bathroom caused problems for a long time. We eventually cracked it (more or less), but now he’s a strapping, long legged five year old and he’s way to big for his potty, but his bottom is way too petite for the toilet. 

The practical and innovative design brand OXO have a range of baby and toddler products (known as OXO Tots) which have been designed for use by little hands, as well as to be easy to clean and use for parents. They have recently launched the “Sit right toilet seat trainer”, priced at £15 it has a non-slip edge which keeps it stable on virtually any size toilet seat. Plus it has soft side handles for them to grip onto to steady themselves.

oxo tot

The seat has a good sized shield at the front to prevent spray and splatter and it is smooth, so it’s easy to clean after use. It is light-weight, so should you wish to take it with you, perhaps when visiting friends, it’s not to heavy to carry. The sit right toilet seat trainer also has a flat base, so you can stand it up next to the toilet ready to put onto the existing toilet seat when you need to. 

As you can see the toilet seat trainer sits snugly on top of our existing toilet seat. We have two toilets and the one pictured has a non-standard seat and we have previously struggled to find a toilet seat trainer which would fit it. 

He really feels comfortable on the toilet seat trainer, it doesn’t slide about and he’s able to climb on top of it easily. Once he’s sat down, the handles make him feel secure and he can relax and do what he needs to do. Once he’s finished he knows to take the training seat off and leave the loo free for the next person. 

We’ve been searching for a toilet seat trainer like this for a while now, we’ve tried other brands but they didn’t fit our toilet properly and they didn’t have the handles, which seem a simple feature, but sitting on a full sized loo for a small child can feel really high up and daunting. I really do feel that after months of hunting we have found the right toilet seat trainer for the boy.

Oxo Tots also sent us a 200ml sippy cup with handles and a 300ml twist top water bottle. The small boy still enjoys a drink of milk in the morning while he’s getting up and ready, he’s still using a sippy cup for this because he likes his sippy cups and it saves us having to mop up a cup of milk every day, because inevitably he’ll get distracted and it’ll spill everywhere.

The OXO Tots sippy cup is suitable for use from 6 months old and has nice chunky handles to hold. I know he’d have loved using this when he was smaller, and he likes it now. It is available in a range of colours, is dishwasher safe and had a leak-proof valve which stops it leaking when it’s tipped up.

oxo tots

The OXO Tots twist top water bottle is the kind of thing he uses most often at home and at school. More grown up and befitting a five year old boy, but still with the spill-proof practicality that we find helpful. It has the signature OXO Tots mixture of style and practicality which mark out these products. I find them all very visually appealing and really pleasing to hold and use too.

I think for us the toilet seat trainer is a game changer and if he’s happy and comfortable using it then that’s half the battle. As for the cups, my only regret is we didn’t try them sooner. I think the grippy handles are great for tiny hands, the non-spill really is non-spill and they’re the kind of practical and stylish thing I’d buy anyway. Good work OXO.

Note: We were sent the above items by OXO Tots for review purposes. All images and opinions are our own.

We're going on an adventure

Potty Training – Part Two

We started potty training just after Christmas and, joy of joys, combined that parenting treat with a dose of chicken pox. Buy one hell, get one free if you will.

I went to playgroup this morning and pretty much everyone sauntered up to me and said with a moderately pained and sympathetic face “potty training….how’s it going?”. At which point I experienced a number of flashbacks ending in the horror that was the poo that was kindly deposited beside my bed this morning.

potty trainingIf I’m honest it’s pretty hit and miss. Sometimes he gets to the potty or toilet in time, whips his trolleys down and hits the spot. We all burst into rounds of applause and he gets a standing ovation. Sometimes he almost makes it and still gets a well done, sometimes he just looks me straight in the eye and wets himself. At that point I assume the foetal position and start rocking.

My house stinks of wee. His shoes, both pairs are washed each night, because they don’t smell of feet anymore, they smell like the stairwell of a multi-storey car park. I dream of his shoes just smelling like feet, I really do. We go through more pairs of pants than a Tom Jones concert goer. And I can’t wait for him to get it, for it to click.

He came home from nursery yesterday in what was basically a biohazard suit for toddlers. He’d gone through four complete changes of clothes. We were scared to unzip it for fear of what might come gushing out. He genuinely has more costume changes than Elton John.

Still I think progress is being made. He understands what he’s supposed to do but I think maybe sometimes he’s just shy or he just mistimes it or maybe just forgets entirely what he’s supposed to do.

But he’s over the chicken pox which is no bad thing. Just need to stop him weeing everywhere now. I’ll do another update soon. I hope it’s more positive than “he’s still peeing in the corner and we all smell like tramps”.

Potty Training – Part One

Potty Training – Part One

Potty trainingSplodge is now three years and one month old. He’s a grand lad and we have always taken things at his pace. He moved up from toddlers to pre-school in his nursery in September. Most of his fellow pre-schoolers are out of nappies and mostly dry. We’ve been getting a bit twitchy about him being behind everyone else in this regard and “helpful” friends and family have made remarks, but we were always sure we wanted to wait for him to be ready.

He’s not ready. He’s nearly there don’t get me wrong, but the Christmas holidays rolled by and it’s a time where we’ll all be at home, so it seemed like the right time to start. We’d read the books, done the theory test and when morning broke on 27th December it began.

By lunchtime we’d wet ten pairs of pants and the house was starting to whiff. Hodge was quickly dispatched to the shops to purchase more pants and some febreeze. By 2pm he was wetting himself, pulling his wet pants down and then sitting in the potty. Almost son, almost. It seems this potty training lark is all about timing.

Fed up of mopping up puddles, we headed to the swimming baths where we had a really fun 90 minutes splashing, dunking, bouncing and swimming. We got out, dried off, got dressed and headed out. We made it to reception when he did the most enormous wee I’ve ever seen, Hodge picked him up like a rugby ball and shot off to the car for a speedy change, leaving a conspicuous puddle in the reception area.

We headed home for an early night, safe in the knowledge that he’d be wearing a nappy at night and we could relax at last. Jobs a good ‘un.

When morning arrived on 28th December he toddled into our bedroom with his usual “Morning Mummy Daddy”, bleary eyed we blinked at him, wished him good morning and then started counting the spots which had appeared on him overnight. It dawned on us, he’s got the chicken pox!

Crisis talks were hastily arranged. What do we do? 24 hours in, do we stop and just let him be ill in peace? Do we carry on? What to do, what to do?

So we decided to carry on. It’s going to be a hellish couple of weeks with either chicken pox or potty training, so we’re cracking on as planned and hopefully getting two completely awful things over and done with together.

He’s not seeming terribly ill with it, he still seems perky so we’ll just crack on. Potty training wise today hasn’t been dreadful. He’s still wetting himself left, right and centre, but he’s stared giving us clues about when he needs to go, like grabbing his crotch or just wetting his pants. He’s made it to the potty a few times but just moments too late.

It’s not easy and I don’t think Splodge is going to crack it overnight, but he’s a bright lad and once he decides he wants to do something then he’ll do it and do it well. I’ll hopefully do an update post in a few days and let you know how we’re getting on. Wish us luck!