Crafts: Celery Rose Print Valentine’s Cards

Make hearts flutter this Valentine’s Day with these Celery Rose Print Valentine’s Cards and gift wrap!

Crafts: Celery Rose Print Valentine's Cards

The first Valentine’s cards were sent in the 18th century. These were handmade cards, covered in romantic symbols of the age, such as flowers and love knots. The cards often included riddles and poetry. Cards were slipped secretly under the door of your beloved.

These days, although cards and poetry are often emailed to those who have made your heart flutter, a handmade card is still a lovely thing to give and to receive and in so many way, infinitely more preferable.

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we had a weekend of painting and experimenting with printing with various things. I’d seen people printing roses with celery stalks on Pinterest and decided to give it a try – it really works!

How to make Celery Rose Print Valentine’s Cards

You will need:

Some blank cards
The root end off a bunch of celery
Red paint
Blue paint
A nice black pen
A plastic plate, or somewhere to blob your paint

Crafts: Celery Rose Print Valentine's Cards

How to make your Celery Rose Print Valentine’s Cards:

Tidy the end of your celery with a sharp knife so that it’s flat. Put a dollop of red paint on your plastic plate, dunk your celery in it, scrape off any excess paint on the edge of the plate and practice printing your roses on some scrap paper until you get the right effect. I found not having too much paint on my celery was best.

Once you’re happy with your printing, take your blank greetings cards and print your roses on them. I did two designs, a bouquet of roses on one; and a roses are red, violets are blue on the other. To print the violets I get my son to dip one of his fingers in blue paint and showed him where to press his fingers to make petal shapes.

Crafts: Celery Rose Print Valentine's Cards

We hung the cards up to dry for a few hours, whilst they were drying we took some brown packing paper and he set to work printing roses and violets in a repeating pattern until the paper was covered. The effect is really very good, and ideal for wrapping Valentine’s gifts. Leave your gift wrap for a few hours to dry, when it’s dry you can wrap your gifts.

Once the cards were dry, I grabbed a nice inky pen and drew thorny stems and embellished the violets with leaves and a stamen. All that was left to do was for us to write romantic messages to the people we secretly, or not so secretly admire.

If you enjoyed this, you might also like to try these other Valentine’s Crafts:

Crafts: Celery Rose Print Valentine's Cards

Crafts: Making Valentine’s Day cards with toddlers

This week I volunteered to run the crafts table at playgroup. It’s not something I’ve done before because the room is full of people much more creative than I could ever be. I figured we could make Valentine’s Day cards and that wouldn’t be too difficult.

I got my husband, who has a printers and stationers in Didsbury to cut and score some blank cards for us, and I cut out several hundred red and pink hearts. Throw in some glitter pens and some PVA glue and you have the ingredients for toddler fun.

Crafts: Making Valentine's Day cards with toddlers
Setting up – hearts and glue
Crafts: Making Valentine's Day cards with toddlers
Let’s get sticking!
Crafts: Making Valentine's Day cards with toddlers
Getting busy – sticky, glittery fingers!
Crafts: Making Valentine's Day cards with toddlers
Result! Just one of the beautiful works of art.

I really enjoyed making these Valentine’s Day cards with the children. I think they enjoyed it too, it’s always good to share the love, whatever age you are.