My Sunday Photo 5.6.16

Last Sunday we spent the day at the Geronimo Festival at Tatton Park. It was a glorious day, the sun shone, we watched and did so much. But for us the real highlight was the Horsemen of the Knight show – a live action equestrian show.

The Horsemen of the Knight are a group of professional stunt riders who regularly work in TV and film. The horsemen have appeared in Game of Thrones War Horse, Snow White and the Huntsman, Robin Hood, Harry Potter and the popular TV Series Merlin to name just a few.

At the Geronimo Festival they performed their jousting show, four horsemen going against each other in the Arena Zone, culminating in a sword battle with fire and the victor winning this beautiful unicorn.

My Sunday Photo 5.6.16

Keep your eyes peeled this week for my full review of the Geronimo Festival.

Have a great week! x

23 thoughts on “My Sunday Photo 5.6.16

  1. Brilliant! That must have been quite a show. I have visited Tatton Park on numerous occasions over the years. You’ve reminded me I should visit once again.

  2. What great editing and you must’ve been in a prime spot to get that shot. Festivals are great for a bit of jousting and if it involves a Unicorn more the better!

  3. Wow I bet that was incredible to watch and a great photo, and what a job it must be so much fun to work on all of those productions x

  4. That photo is like an action movie! Amazing timing =) #mysundayphoto

  5. Aw, such a fab photo, you caught the movement well. Love the flowingness of the horses tail.

  6. Ah what an incredible shot – I have heard good things about it – I wish we could have gone I am sure Boo would have love it

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