New Autumn Boots from Jacamo

The adorable Hodge, aka The Husband spends his days in work boots and his evenings and weekends in trainers. I love it when he puts the effort in and dresses up a little bit when we go out, it’s nice seeing him look smart, for somehow he miraculously becomes extra good looking. This week he’s been trying out a pair of slouchy desert boots from Jacamo.

The slouchy desert boot is a classic but fashionably attractive design. We ordered the lovely deep chocolate colour boot, though it’s also available in stone, which is a paler brown boot. It’s made from suede and the sole is sturdy but not too thick. They look brilliant with jeans worn on a casual night out and I think they are a nice looking autumn boot.

I asked Hodge to put it to the man test. He walked to the pub and back wearing them. Did they rub? No, they were comfortable, he has one foot slightly wider than the other which means sometimes one shoe rubs or the other shoe is virtually falling off, but he informed me that these were comfortable and fine to wear.

He stood at the bar for an hour or so, were they kind to his feet? He said they didn’t make his feet hurt and he was comfortable standing in them.

I can already tell that Hodge will wear these to death, he’s pretty fussy about his footwear so I’m pleased he’s found something which suits him, looks smart and isn’t a pair of trainers.

Well, I think that’s quite enough from me, here’s what Hodge had to say about his fancy new Jacamo boots…

“The boots were very comfy and it was nice to be wearing something which smart yet casual looking and which, I think will go with the vast majority of jeans. Due to my different sized feet, it can be quite difficult to find footwear which keeps both feet happy, but after wearing the desert boots for a couple of hours, neither foot was putting in any complaints. I’m very much looking forward to wearing them again”.

Jacamo boots

Note: We were sent these Jacamo boots free of charge for review purposes, all images and opinions are our own.

My Blog Redesign

My blog has been self hosted since November 2013 and for a little while now I’ve had a nagging feeling that I needed to do something with the look of it. Sort a proper logo and header out, brand me up a little bit. Do something which said a little bit more about me rather than just some generic swirly things.

I was lucky enough to bump into Feb25 on Twitter and when I mentioned I needed to pull my finger out and get it sorted they offered their expertise. They’ve re-branded bloggers before and they’re fond of HodgePodgeDays, I had a good feeling about it all, so we set to work.

From my point of view it was easy-peasy. They wanted some background on me and what makes me tick, so I showed them this blog post all about me and I listed my interests, which are…

  • Mother
  • Tweeter
  • Blogger
  • Music lover

They went away and created a logo, I was blown away by how much they’d captured me. I showed it to some friends who loved it too. It was clearly a winner. They supplied me with a banner, a logo for social media use and a favicon, everything a blog redesign needs. All I needed to do was upload them and I had a brand new, unique, beautiful look.

blog redesign

It really was the most simple process. I started off having absolutely no clue what I wanted. They got a feel for me and came up with some suggestions. They’re happy to tweak and tweak until things are just right and for me, this is just right.

They were an absolute dream to work with and the turn around was really quick. I can’t recommend them enough. If you’d like to find out more about Feb25 and what they can do for you, check out their website or find them on Twitter and tweet them, they’re lovely. I promise!

What do you think of my new look? I’d love to know.