Elf the Musical – a sack-load of family fun at The Lowry

Each Christmas, regular as clockwork we dig out our Elf DVD, snuggle up on the sofa and really get in the mood for Christmas. It is my favourite Christmas film by far and one we all love to watch together as a family. But would the Elf the Musical version live up to our expectations?

Based on the 2003 hit film starring Will Ferrell; Elf is the hilarious tale of Buddy, a young orphan child who mistakenly crawls into Santa’s bag of gifts and is transported back to the North Pole. Unaware that he is actually human, Buddy’s enormous size and poor toy-making abilities cause him to face the truth. With Santa’s permission, Buddy embarks on a journey to New York City to find his birth father, discover his true identity, and help New York remember the true meaning of Christmas.

Elf the Musical - a sack-load of family fun at The Lowry

Elf The Musical stars TV and West End star Ben Forster as Buddy and former Atomic Kitten Liz McClarnon as Jovie. Joe McGann stars as Walter and Jessica Martin as Emily Hobbs, not forgetting Louis Emerick as Santa. There are a trio of local boys playing the role of Michael too.

Ben Forster as Buddy fills the stage with energy, managing to channel some of the personality of Buddy the Elf from the film, whilst putting his own spin on the character. Atomic Kitten star Liz McClarnon as Jovie is in excellent voice throughout, with a spot on accent and flawless performance.

From the start the stage is busy with the ensemble, first as a group of little-legged toy making elves, then crowds of New York shoppers, to the staff of Walter Hobbs office. They’re all fantastic and help to bring warmth, rhythm and humour to the production. Deb played by Lori Haley Fox especially stands out, putting in a performance full of humour.

Elf the Musical - a sack-load of family fun at The Lowry

The set is lavish, beautifully festive and almost constantly changing in this fast paced production. The musical set pieces are well done, though I was expecting the musical to end with the crowd singing Santa Claus Is Coming to Town like it does in the film, which is a bit of a shame. However, it does end with a happy ever after; a snowstorm and Santa’s sleigh floating off across the streets of Salford.

We loved it, my 7 year old was transfixed throughout and has talked of virtually nothing else since. It’s like the film, but quite different in many ways. Some aspects of the film I missed; but the singing, dancing and the warmth of the performances made up for everything. It’s a firm thumbs up from us, we loved it and would happily go again and again.

What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than to see Elf The Musical at The Lowry! Get your tickets now, it’s bound to be incredibly popular!

Elf The Musical is on at The Lowry from Friday 24 November 2017 until Sunday 14 January 2018. For more information and tickets visit The Lowry website.

See ELF – The Musical, this Christmas at The Lowry

I know it is still September, but Christmas will be upon us before we know it. Over the weekend my boys took themselves off to Hamleys at the intu Trafford Centre for the press launch of ELF – The Musical. What happened at the event was lovely. My boys came home full to the brim of Christmas spirit and keen as mustard to get tickets for the show!

The press launch was by all accounts really lovely. Benjamin and his Dad watched Ben Forster who plays Elf perform a song from the show. Then they got to meet Ben and Liz McClarnon (who plays Jovie). I think Liz was as charmed by my Benjamin as he was by her.

Preview: ELF - The Musical at The Lowry
Liz McClarnon and Benjamin share a cuddle at the Elf Lowry Musical launch event.

Elf  – The Musical is coming to The Lowry, Salford Quays on Friday 24 November 2017 until Sunday 14 January 2018. Elf is my favourite Christmas film and this award winning musical version looks like essential viewing for Elf fans. I cannot wait to go and see it!

Elf – The Musical stars TV and West End star Ben Forster as Buddy, former Atomic Kitten Liz McClarnon as Jovie, plus Joe McGann as Walter and Jessica Martin as Emily Hobbs. There are a trio of local boys playing the role of Michael too.

Preview: ELF - The Musical at The Lowry
Ben Forster meets Benjamin at the Elf Lowry Musical launch event in Manchester.

Based on the 2003 hit film starring Will Ferrell; Elf is the hilarious tale of Buddy, a young orphan child who mistakenly crawls into Santa’s bag of gifts and is transported back to the North Pole. Unaware that he is actually human, Buddy’s enormous size and poor toy-making abilities cause him to face the truth. With Santa’s permission, Buddy embarks on a journey to New York City to find his birth father, discover his true identity, and help New York remember the true meaning of Christmas.

Preview: ELF - The Musical at The Lowry

What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than to see Elf – The Musical at The Lowry! Get your tickets now, it’s bound to be incredibly popular!

Elf: The Musical is on at The Lowry from Friday 24 November 2017 until Sunday 14 January 2018.

Elf on a Shelf – December 1st-7th

Love or loathe Elf on a Shelf, it’s something we’re embracing this year. I first encountered Elf on a Shelf a few years ago, one of my American cousins was doing it for her children. Back then in my pre-child days I thought it was a bonkers idea, but now I have a small boy of my own we’re loving it.

On 1st December a mysterious, yet beautifully wrapped parcel appeared, attached was a note from Father Christmas. He was very busy and unable to keep an eye on the small boy during December, so he was sending “Elfie” the elf to keep an eye on him. Despite being one of his favourite elves Elfie, we were warned, was cheeky and might get up to mischief while she was staying with us. Cheeky Elfie!

One signature of Elfie’s mischief is that she leaves a sprinkling of snow wherever she goes in the night. It must be when she returns from the North Pole after visiting Father Christmas each night. What a messy elf!

Elf on a shelf

On 2nd December we woke up to discover that Elfie had been playing with the small boy’s beloved train track and she’d also brought with her a liberal sprinkling of “snow”.

Elf on a shelf

On 3rd December Elfie got very cheeky and rolled a toilet roll down the stairs, not only that she’d got tangled in it at the top and right at the bottom she’d left a handful of magic money (chocolate coins) as a special treat.

Elf on a shelf

On 4th December Elfie obviously got a bit thirsty and we found her in the fridge drinking his milk. Naughty Elfie had left a sprinkling of “snow” outside the fridge too.

Elf on a shelf

On 5th December Elfie decided we needed to add a bit of festive cheer to our as yet undecorated house, we came downstairs in the morning to find she’d strung up some lights at the window and got herself tangled in them too!

Elf on a shelf

On 6th December we discovered Elfie in a marshmallow bath, she looked happy enough and seemed to have had a good soak. The marshmallows didn’t last long either!

The small boy was by now getting the hang of waking up to discover Elfie’s adventures.

Elf on a shelf

On 7th December the house awoke to a mess, Elfie had discovered the scissors and had been busy in the night cutting out snowflakes and sticking them all over the house.

Elf on a shelf

Elfie has been wonderful company so far this month, we’re really looking forward to seeing what other mischief she gets up to!

Are you doing Elf on a shelf?

My Top Five Favourite Christmas Films

Everyone has a list of their favourite Christmas films don’t they? Don’t they?? Well I do and here’s my list of unmissable Christmas films…

Don’t judge me, but I’ve never seen It’s a Wonderful Life. Never. I’m sorry. I love films, but for some reason this has passed me by. I’d like to watch it, but it’s just never been on when I’ve had the time to sit and devote myself to it, it’s a shocker I know. I’ve not seen Frozen either. We’re not big on Disney, never really have been. I feel like I should apologise. I’m sorry.

In the spirit of sharing (and writing lists, because lists are good) I’ve decided to list my five favourite Christmas films.

My Top Five Favourite Christmas Films

5. Home Alone – your basic festive horror story/amazing adventure if you’re 6 years old. It’s horribly dated now, but Home Alone is well worth a watch with the kids, just to see their faces when Kevin is defending his home from the burglers.

4. Bad Santa. I don’t even need to explain why this is on my list. Love Bad Santa. Bad Santa, naughty Santa!

3. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang – this is one of my favourite films of all time. Val Kilmer and Robert Downey Jnr being amazing. Ok so it’s a bit violent and sweary, but it’s funny, really funny. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang is a little bit of Christmas noir for those who appreciate a bit of darkness.

2. Die Hard – because Christmas isn’t Christmas without Bruce Willis in a vest. And Die Hard *so* is a Christmas film! Yippee ki-yay etc.

1. Elf. It’s got to be Elf. I know it’s a love/hate kind of film, but don’t be a cottonheaded ninnymuggins about it.

I suspect in the next few years my list of favourite Christmas films will become a bit more child friendly. But until then I’m happy to have a Kiss Kiss Bang Bang/Die Hard/Elf Christmas film extravaganza. And remember… The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear.

Christmas films

Update (2017): If you love Elf (and why wouldn’t you) You can catch Elf – The Musical at The Lowry this Christmas!