Father’s Day Breakfast in Bed

Each weekend our little family has a bit of a routine, I’m not great at getting out of bed until my painkillers kick in, so Saturday and Sunday I am usually given breakfast in bed. Whilst it’s not usually anything more than a decent cup of coffee and a plate of scrambled eggs or a veggie sausage sandwich, it is a treat, especially when the small boy joins me and we have a little bed based breakfast picnic.

Hubs is an utterly fantastic Dad. When I was ill a couple of years ago he did everything. He ran his business, ran the household and did everything for the small boy (who at the time was very small indeed) as well as looking after me when I couldn’t even get to the bathroom by myself. He is a star!

He deserves a Father’s Day treat – and what more could a man want for breakfast than a bacon butty and a leisurely breakfast in bed (for a change).

Breakfast in Bed

We made him a lovely bacon butty just how he likes it; on thick cut white bread from Roberts Bakery, no butter, just lashings of tomato sauce and crispy bacon. We carefully wrapped it in greaseproof paper and decorated it with sticky letters. A good bacon butty should always be teamed with a good strong mug of tea in his favourite mug. Perfect.

Breakfast in Bed

But did he like it? There were only crumbs left, and a big smile, so I’m guessing yes. Bacon butties FTW.

Roberts Bakery have created a Father’s Day Bacon Butty Guide if you need advice or inspiration for a bacony breakfast in bed.

How do you like your bacon butties? What’s your secret to making the best bacon butty?

Note: I was sent a breakfast in bed goodie bag in return for this post, all images and opinions are my own.

Father’s Day Gift Ideas with #TruprintDads

I am very lucky and incredibly grateful that I have three wonderful, wonderful men in my life. I’m not saying they’re perfect, but they are all fantastic in their own way. Father’s Day is just two short weeks away and I thought I’d plan ahead this year and sort out some gifts for my Dad (aka Grandad) and hubs (aka Daddy). The other man in my life is the small boy, who doesn’t as yet qualify for Father’s Day gifts as he’s only 4. But what do you buy the two men in your life who have absolutely everything they want or need?

There’s nothing that Grandad and Daddy like more in the world than sitting with a brew and putting the world to rights, so I figured photo-mugs, matching coasters and a nice card each would be a good start. I’d also fill each mug with their favourite tea bags (Tetley for Grandad, lemon and ginger for Daddy). A nice simple gift which I know they will both appreciate.  I chose to order from Truprint because I knew they had a really good selection of photo gifts.

father's day gift ideas

The Father’s Day cards were really easy to design, cost just £2.49 each and are printed on good quality card too. Very cute, I know Gramps and Daddy will love them, especially once the small boy has “written” them.

For the main present I went for the 11oz photo collage mug which costs just £7.99 each, again it was really easy to design and I just used a selection of my favourite most recent photographs. Matching them with a set of six coasters, which I will split so they get two each and I get two (cheeky perks). The coasters are cork backed and nice quality, they cost £14.99 and you can mix and match or have all the same photo, I think they’re a great thing to order to split for smaller presents like I have done.

I also got a little jigsaw puzzle of Daddy and the small boy, it’s really a little thing for the boy because he loves puzzles and I suspect his mind will be blown by a puzzle with him on it! And just because I can, I bought myself an adorable new notebook for work. Pretty cute huh?

father's day gift ideas.

I think you can’t go wrong with a photo gift, there’s so much to choose from these days you can find a gift to suit anyone, plus it beats a multi-pack of socks hands down!

Truprint have a cracking selection of Father’s Day Photo Gifts to choose from and you can order up to midnight on 15th June to ensure you get your gifts in time for the big day.

Grab up to £30 off your Truprint order!

  1. Code LOVEMYDAD gives £10 discount on order £20-£49.99 and £30 discount on orders £50 or more
  2. Minimum spend does not include P&P charges
  3. Offer is valid until midnight 15th June 2015.
  4. Offer is valid for single use during the promotional period and to customers residing in the UK on Truprint.co.uk only.
  5. P&P charges will apply
  6. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or on pre-paid prints.
  7. Please allow an additional 1-2 delivery days during this promotional period.

Crabbing and chips by the sea for Father’s Day

Often pictured but seldom heard, my long suffering husband Matthew has kindly written a guest post for me about what we did on Father’s Day. He’s not a blogger, nor does he have the soul of a poet. He is by nature a man of few words, so this is a rather big deal. Enjoy his tale of crabbing and the best Father’s Day ever…

So far in my life, I’ve had four Father’s Days. Undoubtedly the best was the first in 2011, but 2014 is a very close second.

Father’s Day this year happened when Team HodgePodgeDays were on their annual two week jaunt to Devon. It was nice to be able to have a Father’s Day to ourselves, rather than slaving away at home with a to-do list.

The day started with a very lazy Sunday morning at the cottage, playing in the garden in the morning sun. Eventually we got in the car and drove the few miles to Rosie’s kitchen in Bude for brunch; followed by a stroll on the beach looking for pirate treasure.

After we decided the pirate had taken the treasure with him, we headed back to the cottage for a pitstop and then sped up the coast to Appledore. Appledore is a beautiful village on one side of the estuary of the River Torridge and an ideal place for crabbing.

Unfortunately when we got there the tide was out. We decided to walk down the slipway onto the sands and ambled about looking at the boats resting on the sand and looking into the pools of water. Sooner rather than later, the tide started to come in, so we made our way up to find Mrs HodgePodgeDays, who informed us it was tea time.

So off to Sylvester’s Chip Shop I went and came back with the best cod and chips I’ve ever had. We gobbled the whole lot down sat on a bench on the harbour side; the late afternoon sun on our backs watching the world go by. It was a special moment.

After tea it was nearly time to go as it was nearly bedtime for the little fella. But we wanted to try our hand at crabbing. Seeing as though that’s why we’d come to Appledore. Mrs HPD proved herself a natural at crabbing, baiting the lines with bacon. We soon had a bucketful of crabs and a very happy boy.

Best Father's Day crabbing together

What a fantastic day we’d all had. The lad is going to have to come up with something extra special for Father’s Day next year!