Taking a Spin Round Legoland Manchester

What to do with a small boy during that terminally long gap between the close of nursery and actual Christmas Day? It’s always harder to try and entertain them in the winter, when you’re naturally less inclined to brave the elements and head to the park for a go on the swings. We were definitely starting to feel a bit cooped up and tempers were already beginning to fray.

Luckily the generous sorts at Carcraft could sense the end of a tether being reached, and were kind enough to send us to Legoland Manchester for an afternoon of small plastic building block shaped joy. Thanks guys.

We’d not been before but it was super-easy to find. Just follow the signs for Barton Square at the Trafford Centre and you can’t miss it. We arrived and were ushered through to have our pictures taken. Splodge was bemused at best and I’d neglected to brush my hair, these were genuinely THE worst pictures ever taken of us, ever. But you know, it still was kinda fun.

We went up in the lift to a room which acted like a holding pen, there were Lego things to see and do while we waited for the “factory tour”. The tour itself was tiny but brilliantly done, scientifically accurate, interactive and enjoyable. At the end we were presented with a special edition brick as a souvenir of the tour. It was a really lovely touch.

We then passed through to the Kingdom Quest Laser Ride which was a journey through a medieval kingdom as a noble knight. Using laser guns you zap the spiders, skeletons and trolls to save the captured Princess. Splodge enjoyed it but didn’t really have a clue what was going on, thus allowing me to massively out-score him in the killing of trolls. Result.

We then toddled through to the main room which held the majority of attractions including the 4D Cinema; Friends Olivia’s House; Forest Pursuit; the much admired Merlin’s Apprentice Ride; the amazing looking Fire Academy; Construction Site and Master Model Builder area.

P1000434What with us being vehicle mad, we headed straight for the Lego Racers: Build & Test. We built a couple of cars and set to work racing them down the tracks. Splodge loved the racing more than the building, his little three year old fingers found the Lego bricks a little fiddly. At home we’re still playing with Lego Duplo which he loves. But the racing was a big hit and I could’ve spent ages designing and refining my championship car. Lego isn’t just for kids you know. What? Don’t look at me like that.

We had a look around the rest of the attractions. He was keen to try the Merlin’s Apprentice Ride but he was too little, something we’ll save for next time. He loved the Fire Academy soft play area and was wowed by the Forest Pursuit section.

We’ll definitely be back. It was a great place to while away a wet winters afternoon. There was something fun for everyone and as he grows he will appreciate different areas and activities. Oh, and the big red race car in the shop, brilliant!


Disclaimer: We were given free tickets to review Legoland Manchester by Carcraft but it’s somewhere we’ve been meaning to go to for a little while.

A Sweet Time at The Trafford Centre

photo (42)On Saturday, a crack squad of Mancunian bloggers attended an early morning event at the Trafford Centre. The event was pulled together by the gorgeous girls at The Sweet Shop.

The Sweet Shop has been part of the Trafford Centre for the last two years. They originally opened a Stall opposite Carluccio’s in the Great Hall. In March this year they opened the shop in the Trafford Centre, closely followed by a new Kiosk in Cheshire Oaks in June. I also have it on good authority that they’re opening a pop-up shop at the Spinningfields Ice Rink in time for Christmas.

The Sweet Shop is a delightfully retro shop, with a massive; I mean massive range of sweets. From retro favourites, to American candy and modern classics. As a vegetarian I was hugely impressed that everything was properly and clearly labelled as vegetarian, gluten free, halal, sugar free etc. I loved that they had a whole section devoted to sugar free sweets and treats. Perfect for diabetics, or those looking to reduce their sugar intake.

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All the amazing Sweet Shop products are available online and I’m really pleased that I’m able to offer my gorgeous blog readers a special discount code for online purchases. Just quote ‘bloggers10’ for a 10% discount at the checkout. You can find them online at www.thesweetshops.co.uk and they deliver traditional and retro sweets and American Candy across the UK.’

We had a fabulous breakfast of pastries and juice courtesy of Carluccio’s who also offered us a discount on the day, which we took advantage of on our way out when we grabbed one of their delicious coffees. I’ve always meant to try Carluccio’s and we’ll be back soon to try the food.

While we were there, we were treated to a lovely hand and arm massage by the Lush girls, my skin smelt and felt amazing afterwards. While we were getting our rub down, we chatted about their gorgeous smelling limited edition rose jam shower gel and their fun bath time play-doh style soap which can be shaped and moulded. Great fun.

Massages from the Lovely LUSH Girls
Massages from the Lovely LUSH Girls

The generous folks at Boost Juice Bar gave us all a really lovely strawberry smoothie. I’m not really a fan of strawberries or smoothies, but I gave this a go and I liked it a lot. Everyone else was raving about them and I’m keen to see what else they have on their smoothie menu. We were all given a cute chocolate cupcake from Zara Cakes in Prestwich which I saved and shared with Splodge when I got home. It was moist and lovely!

A number of businesses in the Trafford Centre were on hand to talk us through their product ranges. I was very excited to speak to the team from Win Naturally who have a concession in Selfridges. Win Naturally was started by Phil Neville and his nutritionist wife Julie and they offer a range of calorie controlled and nutritionally balanced products, as well as nutritional services such as detox, sports nutrition and weight loss. We were given a massive goodie back of tasty snacks and supplements to try. We’ve been slowly munching our way through it’s contents. Who knew food that was so good for you could taste this great!

The Perfume Shop were also there, offering us a range of samples and an on the day discount. Their great smelling shop is packed full of presents for Christmas and to make life even easier they also offer an in-store gift wrapping service.

Although we didn’t get to meet them, we were given a goodie bag of samples from high-end and fabulous Shu uemura who are located in Selfridges, the goodie bag included some of their award winning cleansing oil, some other product samples and a complimentary brow service voucher. I am unutterably excited about having my hairy caterpillar eyebrows transformed into things of beauty.

The day I choose to de-fuzz my brows I’ll also be popping in to top salon, Regis for a colour gloss and blow dry. A proper pamper day. I’ve only ever heard great things about Regis and I’ve always meant to try it, and now I will. I’ll pop the results on my Instagram page. Very glam!

So a huge thank you to The Sweet Shop for organising such a fab event and to all the businesses who we met on the day or will meet shortly. Don’t forget to visit The Sweet Shop website and use the discount code. Keep your eyes peeled for them popping up at Spinningfields too!

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In The Night Garden live

When my Mr suggested we take the boy to see his favourite thing in the world my heart sank a little. It’s not that I want to deny him fun, but thanks to BBC iplayer I get “treated” to about four episodes a day and I cannot bear it.

So many months ago I reluctantly agreed, took out a small mortgage and bought some tickets. We refused the horrifyingly expensive add-ones. £15 to meet Daisy. No thanks, if she was going to come back to ours and get cracking with the ironing maybe. But no. £20 for a goodie bag? No! He’s 2 he doesn’t really care.


So we arrived early and we were ushered through the massive inflatable theatre in the car park of the Trafford Centre. The boy didn’t really understand what was going on but did get excited each time he saw a picture of a character. We found what were excellent seats and settled down. As I said, we arrived early and we waited half an hour for it to start. But no worries, they had fabulous projections on the walls which kept the little ones entertained as well as In The Night Garden (ITNG) sound effects. The half hour passed quickly, punctuated only by being mugged for £6 for a twirly light with Iggle Piggle on it, admittedly it kept him entertained for the rest of the evening and beyond. But tat all the same.

The show started much to the boys delight, it was colourful, entertaining and true to the TV version. Both husband and I were horribly bored after about 20 minutes but we were both enchanted by the delight on our sons face. He loved it, every second, every song, everything about it.

It lasted about 50 minutes and much to the boys disappointment we had to leave. In the car on the way home he was shouting “Again, Daisy, again!” Bless him.

Would I go again? Yes. But I do feel like I’ve been spanked for cash, but pretty much anything you do with your kids feels like that these days.

You can find out more about the show here – http://www.nightgardenlive.com/

Disclaimer: I wasn’t paid or asked to write this post, I went of my own accord and paid for the tickets and everything else myself.