FREE England World Cup 2022 Colouring Sheets

The World Cup 2022 takes place in Qatar from November 21st to December 18th 2022. This year, 32 teams from all over the world will compete in eight groups to win the coveted Jules Rimet trophy.

This will be the first World Cup ever to be held in the Arab world, and due to Qatar’s intense summer heat, the World Cup will be held from late November to mid December, making it the first tournament not to be held in May, June, or July. The World Cup 2022 is to be played in a reduced timeframe of around 28 days.

FREE England World Cup 2022 Colouring Sheets

If the World Cup is going to be anything like last years delayed Euro 2020 tournament, it’s going to grip the nation and be pretty much the only topic of conversation in my house, which is no bad thing.

I’ve put together some colouring sheets to celebrate England taking part in the World Cup, so you can print them out and get the kids to colour them in. Or you could colour them in yourself, no one is policing this!

You can download the pdf here. All you need to do it press print and find some colouring pens or pencils and you’re good to go!

FREE England World Cup 2022 Colouring Sheets

Download your FREE World Cup 20202 Colouring Sheets here

This World Cup will be the last one to involve just 32 teams. The 2026 tournament which will take place in the United States, Mexico, and Canada will have 48 teams battling it out for the trophy. Whatever happens, this tournament will be one to remember!

If you enjoyed this, you might also like to download this free football reading log. Just get the kids to colour in a football for every book or every 20 minutes they read for. Once the whole sheet has been completed they earn a reward, whatever that might look like in your house.

FREE England World Cup 2022 Colouring Sheets

FREE Printables: St George’s Day Colouring Sheets

St George’s Day is on 23rd April each year, it is believed this he died on this day in 303 AD. St George is the patron saint of England and his cross is part of the Union Flag. He is celebrated throughout the world and there are many feast days devoted to him. It used to be a national holiday in England. These days it’s not celebrated as such, but flags with the St George’s cross are flown on some buildings.

St George is a heroic figure, and I’ve created some colouring printables for families and colouring enthusiasts to do to celebrate St George’s Day.

St George’s Day Colouring Sheets

Download this St George printable here.

Here in England, we know St George as a brave knight who (may or may now have) stayed a dragon. Even though he is the patron saint of England, he wasn’t born here, he was born in what would now be Turkey. Saint George is also the patron saint of other countries including Venice, Portugal, Catalonia, Genoa and Ethiopia.

FREE Printables: St George’s Day Colouring Sheets

Download this St George’s flag printable here.

St George is considered to have a number of positive traits, and stories told to children about him always underline his bravery and courage, not to mention his devotion, piety, leadership, truthfulness and dedication to the cause. St George was said to be one of the heroes of the crusades, which is one of the reasons he’s known to be such a heroic character.

FREE Printables: St George’s Day Colouring Sheets

Download this design your own shield printable here.

If you are marking St George’s Day, I’ve made some FREE colouring printables which your family might enjoy. From St George on his horse; St George’s flag to colour in; a shield to design; to a cute knight and dragon to colour in; these free printables will help your family celebrate this special saints day.

FREE Printables: St George’s Day Colouring Sheets

Download this St George and the dragon printable here.

St George’s Day isn’t as well celebrated as St David, St Patrick or St Andrew, which is a bit of a shame. How will you be celebrating St George’s Day?

FREE Printables: St George’s Day Colouring Sheets

Free Printable: Make your own Happy New Year Bunting

The period between Christmas and New Year can seem a bit flat. The kids can start climbing the walls and no amount of winter walks can fill the time. It’s a good time to plan some crafts. I have some New Year printables which I can pull out of the bag, or off the printer, but this printable Happy New Year bunting is 12 pages of fun colouring and crafting, which you can then use to decorate for New Year.

Free Printable: Make your own Happy New Year Bunting

Download the Happy New Year Bunting here!

New Year is usually a time for parties. We often get together with friends and their families over the New Year period, the kids love to sit and colour for hours. This Happy New Year bunting printable would be a fun way to occupy the family at New Year.

Just download them and print them out onto A4 paper. Colour them in however you like, you may have themed colours for your party, or you could let the kids go wild. You could add glitter, or stickers, or cover them in feathers, the only limit is your imagination!

Once they’re decorated how you’d like, cut them out carefully and fold over the flap at the top. Get a length of ribbon or string and using tape, thread the ribbon over the back and stick the flap down so it’s held in place on the ribbon.

Do the same with each one until you’ve spelled out H-A-P-P-Y-N-E-W-Y-E-A-R and then hang up your colourful bunting wherever you think best. But whatever you do, or wherever you hang your bunting, I hope you have a very Happy New Year!

Download the Happy New Year Bunting here!

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Happy New Year Bunting

FREE Printable: Chinese New Year – Year of the Tiger

In 2022, Chinese New Year falls on Tuesday 1st February. Chinese New Year is a glorious, colourful celebration of the New Year, just when I feel the year is at its darkest and gloomiest. This year is the Chinese Year of the Tiger.

In Manchester the Chinese New Year celebrations are legendary. There is usually a big parade, Chinese crafts exhibition, a big celebration in Albert Square and a fantastic street food market.

FREE Printable: Chinese New Year – Year of the Tiger

2022 is the Chinese Year of the Tiger. The Tiger is the third of the 12-year cycle of animals which make up the Chinese zodiac in the Chinese calendar. People born in the Years of the Tiger including; 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 and 2022 will celebrate their Zodiac Year.

To celebrate Chinese New Year and the Year of the Tiger, I’ve created this colouring sheet for children, or indeed adults. It’s a simple sheet which you can print out on A4 paper. All you need are some felt tips or colouring pencils and it should keep the kids entertained for a little while. If you want to extend the fun, you could also try making a Chinese drum, or some traditional red envelopes for Chinese New Year.

Download your free printable colouring sheet here.

It’s pretty cute isn’t it? It’s A4 sized, so just print off however many you need. Give the kids a million coloured pencils or felt tips and let them go wild with them. Adults who enjoy colouring in might also like to get in on the action too.

I’d love to know what you’ll be doing to celebrate Chinese New Year. Let me know in the comment box below. Gong hei fat choy!

2023 is the Year of the Rabbit, you can download the Year of the Rabbit printable here.

If you enjoyed this, you might also like to try –

FREE Printable: Chinese New Year – Year of the Tiger

FREE England Euro 2020 Colouring Sheets

Last night England beat Denmark in a thrilling quarter final in the Euro 2020 tournament. My son is OBSESSED with the England team.  They seem like a great bunch of lads, and just the kind of role models my son and his friends need.

To celebrate the England team making it to the final (arise Sir Gareth Southgate), I’ve put together a couple of colouring sheets to keep my lad busy until the big game on Sunday.

I’ve made them free to download, so you can print them out too and get the kids to colour them in. Or you could colour them in yourself, no one is policing this!

FREE England Euro 2020 Colouring Sheets

You can download the pdf here. All you need to do it press print and find some colouring pens or pencils and you’re good to go!

Download your FREE England Euro 2020 Colouring Sheets here

FREE England Euro 2020 Colouring Sheets

If you enjoyed this, you might like to download this free football reading log. Just get them to colour in a football for every book or every 20 minutes they read for. Once the whole sheet has been completed they earn a reward, whatever that might look like in your house.

FREE England Euro 2020 Colouring Sheets


FREE Printable: Happy New Year Colouring Sheet

That’s it. Christmas is pretty much done and dusted and the next big date in our diary is New Year. After all the fun and frivolity of Christmas, who really has the time and energy to get out a load of glitter and glue and get crafting with the kids? Not me, that’s for sure. I’ve created a cute little printable wishing you all a Happy New Year which I’ve made available for you to download and use for free.

New Year is usually a time for parties. We often get together with friends and their families over the New Year period, the kids love to sit and colour for hours. Here’s a sweet Happy New Year printable which they can colour in to welcome in the New Year!

FREE Printable: Happy New Year Colouring Sheet

Download this FREE printable here

It’s pretty cute isn’t it? It’s A4 sized, so just print off however many you need. Give the kids a million coloured pencils or felt tips and let them go wild with them. Adults who enjoy colouring in might also like to get in on the action too.

Our New Year celebrations are usually fairly low key. We might have an early dinner out with friends somewhere and then off home for snacks and family snuggles in front of the TV before the boy goes off to bed. Sometimes I might do some work while it’s quiet.

The fireworks at midnight usually wake my son up, so he will usually get up and watch them out of the window with us for ten minutes before he goes back to bed.

New Years Day usually involves us all going on a long walk somewhere with the dog and a roast dinner at home. We have a small extended family and our friends are usually busy, so we tend to do our own thing. What are your family traditions at New Year?

If you enjoyed this, you might also like to try –

FREE Printable: Happy New Year Colouring Sheet

FREE Printable: Chinese New Year – Year of the Ox

This year Chinese New Year falls on Friday 12th February. Chinese New Year is a glorious, colourful celebration of the New Year, just when I feel the year is at its darkest and gloomiest. This year is the Chinese Year of the Ox.

In Manchester the Chinese New Year celebrations are legendary. There is usually a big parade, Chinese crafts exhibition, a big celebration in Albert Square and a fantastic street food market.

2021 is the Chinese Year of the Ox. The Ox is the first of the 12-year cycle of animals which make up the Chinese zodiac in the Chinese calendar. People born in the Years of the Ox including 1925; 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 and 2009 will celebrate their Zodiac Year.

FREE Printable: Chinese New Year – Year of the Ox

To celebrate Chinese New Year and the Year of the Ox, I’ve created this colouring sheet for children, or indeed adults. It’s a simple sheet which you can print out on A4 paper. All you need are some felt tips or colouring pencils and it should keep the kids entertained for a little while. If you want to extend the fun, you could also try making a Chinese drum, or some traditional red envelopes for Chinese New Year.

Download your free printable colouring sheet here.

It’s pretty cute isn’t it? It’s A4 sized, so just print off however many you need. Give the kids a million coloured pencils or felt tips and let them go wild with them. Adults who enjoy colouring in might also like to get in on the action too.

I’d love to know what you’ll be doing to celebrate Chinese New Year. Let me know in the comment box below. Gong hei fat choy!

If you enjoyed this, you might also like to try –

FREE Printable: Chinese New Year – Year of the Ox

FREE Printable: Chinese New Year – Year of the Rat

This year Chinese New Year falls on Saturday 25th January. Chinese New Year is a glorious, colourful celebration of the New Year, just when I feel the year is at its darkest and gloomiest. This year is the Chinese Year of the Rat.

In Manchester the Chinese New Year celebrations are legendary, with a parade, Chinese crafts exhibition, a big celebration in Albert Square and a fantastic street food market.

2020 is the Chinese Year of the Rat. The Rat is the first of the 12-year cycle of animals which make up the Chinese zodiac in the Chinese calendar. People born in the Years of the Rat including 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, and 2008 will celebrate their Zodiac Year.

To celebrate Chinese New Year and the Year of the Rat I’ve created this colouring sheet for children, or indeed adults. It’s a simple sheet which you can print out on A4 paper. All you need are some felt tips or colouring pencils and it should keep the kids entertained for a little while. If you want to extend the fun, you could also try making a Chinese drum, or some traditional red envelopes for Chinese New Year.

FREE Printable: Chinese New Year – Year of the Rat

Click here to download your FREE Chinese New Year printable!

It’s pretty cute isn’t it? It’s A4 sized, so just print off however many you need. Give the kids a million coloured pencils or felt tips and let them go wild with them. Adults who enjoy colouring in might also like to get in on the action too.

I’d love to know what you’ll be doing to celebrate Chinese New Year, let me know in the comment box below. Gong hei fat choy!

If you enjoyed this, you might also like to try –

FREE Printable: Chinese New Year – Year of the Rat

FREE Mother’s Day Colouring Printables

Mother’s Day aka Mothering Sunday is coming this weekend. If you’re anything like me, thing can be a bit last minute. But fear not, I, like most mums are happy with a bit of breakfast in bed and a homemade card. I’ve put together four Mother’s Day colouring sheets which could happily be turned into cards, or stuck to the fridge in celebration of Mother’s Day!

Review: Guess How Much I Love You Big Nutbrown Hare

The Mother’s Day Colouring sheets are ideal for entertaining little ones, or colouring in to give to mummy, grandma or a favourite female family member. There are four very different styles to choose from, so there’s something for everyone.

Download the FREE Mother’s Day Colouring Sheets here!

Mothering Sunday in the UK falls on the fourth Sunday in Lent, exactly three weeks before Easter Day. Traditionally Mothering Sunday was the day when people would visit their “mother” church (the church they were baptised in). Mothering Sunday has become an occasion for celebrating mothers and giving them presents, though these days we have shortened it to Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day is celebrated around the world on different days, in the UK, Canada and Australia it falls in March. In America it is a slightly more commercial celebration which takes place in May.

Our Mother’s Day celebrations are usually pretty low-key (which is how I like it). I will be given breakfast in bed and a cuddle and a card, then we will go to church and the children hand out little bunches of flowers to all the adult women in the congregation. Then we will put on our walking boots and go for a nice bracing walk with the dog somewhere. To me, that is perfect.

If you fancy doing some Mother’s Day crafts, here are some lovely spring crafts you could try –

FREE Mother's Day Colouring Printables

FREE Printable: St Patrick’s Day Colouring Sheet

St Patrick’s Day is on the 17th March each year. In Ireland they have the Monday off as a Bank Holiday celebration. St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland and his saints day is one of the most celebrated in the world.

The story goes that St Patrick came to Ireland to convert the pagan Irish to Christianity. Patrick’s efforts against the druids were eventually turned into an allegory in which he drove “snakes” out of Ireland. Ireland never really had any snakes but he’s well known for “driving the snakes out of Ireland” and is often pictured doing so.

St Patrick’s Day usually falls within the Lent period, which is known for fasting and abstinence. Traditionally, St Patrick’s Day was a day off from the Lenten fasting and is known for its boozy celebrations and general excess. St Patrick’s Day is celebrated all over the world and is perhaps the most celebrated Saints Day of all.

St Patrick’s Day is a day of celebration of all things Irish; with parades and festivals all across Ireland and beyond. For me, it’s a great excuse to bake some nice Irish style treats and to do some crafts with my boy. I’ve made this St Patrick’s Day colouring sheet for children to do. It’s free to download, so what are you waiting for?
FREE Printable: St Patrick's Day Colouring Sheet

Download your FREE St Patrick’s Day Colouring Sheet Here!

According to legend, St Patrick used the three-leaved shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to Irish pagans; which is why the shamrock is one of the most well known symbols of Ireland. The St Patrick’s Day custom of “drowning the shamrock” or “wetting the shamrock” was popular many years ago. At the end of the days celebrations, a shamrock is put into the bottom of a cup, which is then filled with whiskey, beer, or cider. A toast is then drunk to St Patrick, Ireland, or those present.

Sásta Lá Fhéile Pádraig!

If you enjoyed this, you might also like to make this paper shamrock craft.

FREE Printable: St Patrick's Day Colouring Sheet