Halloween Recipe: Ghost Chocolate Brownies

In the UK, Halloween usually falls during half term, so it’s a great excuse to get the kids in the kitchen to whip up some terrifying treats. Recently I’ve been throwing together quick batches of chocolate brownies for my boy, they’re a speedy bake and so popular. I decided to make my regular recipe extra … Continue reading Halloween Recipe: Ghost Chocolate Brownies

Halloween Recipe: Creepy Chocolate Cupcakes

In the UK, Halloween usually falls during half term, so it’s a great excuse to get the kids in the kitchen to whip up some terrifying treats. This year time was short and energy was low, so we made a quick batch of creepy chocolate cupcakes and decorated them in a suitably spooky style. I … Continue reading Halloween Recipe: Creepy Chocolate Cupcakes

Halloween Recipe: Creepy Chocolate Bark

With half term in full swing and the weather being predictably dismal, we’ve got a packed week of baking and crafting planned to keep us busy. One of the easiest things we do is chocolate bark, I’ve no idea why is called chocolate bark, but it is. With Halloween just days away,  we thought I … Continue reading Halloween Recipe: Creepy Chocolate Bark

Halloween Recipe: Gingerbread Mummies

I love gingerbread, it’s one of my guilty pleasures. Often when I pass the bakery on the way to picking my boy up from school, I’ll slip in and buy a couple of gingerbread men, women or penguins for us both as a little treat. I like my gingerbread spicy, so I’m always a little … Continue reading Halloween Recipe: Gingerbread Mummies

How to paint a Halloween t-shirt with Little Brian Fabric Paint Sticks

This week is half term and we are filling the week with trips to the park and some crafts and activities at home. One thing we’ve been doing is decorating some t-shirts for a party we are going to next week. We got our hands on a packet of Little Brian Fabric Paint Sticks and we’ve … Continue reading How to paint a Halloween t-shirt with Little Brian Fabric Paint Sticks

Crafts: Spooky Halloween Pom Pom Spiders

Pom poms are a pretty easy thing to make and with a little imagination you can turn them into all kinds of different creatures and characters. This month I was tasked by Craft Merrily to create a Halloween craft. I’d been wanting to master my new pom pom maker, so I decided to make some … Continue reading Crafts: Spooky Halloween Pom Pom Spiders

Crafts: Easy Halloween Monster crafts for kids

It may only be the start of September, but I’m sure Halloween preparations get earlier every year! My boy is already making noises about going trick or treating, it’s too soon for me, but it’s never too soon to get crafting. This month I was tasked by Craft Merrily to create some Monster Crafts. We’ve … Continue reading Crafts: Easy Halloween Monster crafts for kids

Recipe: Halloween Pumpkin Cake with Cinnamon Frosting

Every year I carve a pumpkin at Halloween and every year without fail I’ve guiltily tipped the insides of the pumpkin into the compost bin. I tell a lie, one year we did try and make something but it was so inedible we tipped that straight in the bin.  This afternoon as my son and … Continue reading Recipe: Halloween Pumpkin Cake with Cinnamon Frosting

Baking: Make Your Own Spooky Halloween Cupcakes

October is one of my favourite months. I love the autumn colours and Halloween is always a good excuse to get the mixing bowls out to create something spooky to celebrate the occasion. We don’t do trick or treating, but we usually have a party for some of the small boy’s friends; or a little … Continue reading Baking: Make Your Own Spooky Halloween Cupcakes

Easy Ideas for Halloween Crafts

One of my favourite things about Halloween, apart from being given an excuse to dress up, is Halloween crafts. It’s one of those occasions when you and the kids can go all out on the spooky stuff. Last year me made a few different Halloween crafts, but our favourites were the Spooky Lanterns from Baker … Continue reading Easy Ideas for Halloween Crafts