My Sunday Photo 19.6.16

By any stretch of the imagination it has been a turbulent week. I’m riddled with anxiety and the news and the current political climate isn’t helping. The awful, awful murder of Jo Cox MP this week has shaken me to the core. By all accounts she was a lovely woman who fought for the underdog and loved her babies above and beyond anything. It doesn’t make any sense to me.

This week I’ve wanted to pull my baby closer to me, to protect him from everything evil in the world and to hug him until he really understands how much I love him. Because anything could happen to any of us at any moment.

I was fiddling about with my camera whilst the boy was getting ready for bed. I snapped a couple of pictures just to test the settings. The boy started posing, he was pulling the most incredible smiles he rarely flashes for the camera these days.

Quite by accident I took this rather lovely father and son picture, which seems fitting because today is Father’s Day. It’s not technically brilliant, but it’s very them and I love it.

My Sunday Photo 19.6.16

Happy Father’s Day xx

My Sunday Photo 5.6.16

Last Sunday we spent the day at the Geronimo Festival at Tatton Park. It was a glorious day, the sun shone, we watched and did so much. But for us the real highlight was the Horsemen of the Knight show – a live action equestrian show.

The Horsemen of the Knight are a group of professional stunt riders who regularly work in TV and film. The horsemen have appeared in Game of Thrones War Horse, Snow White and the Huntsman, Robin Hood, Harry Potter and the popular TV Series Merlin to name just a few.

At the Geronimo Festival they performed their jousting show, four horsemen going against each other in the Arena Zone, culminating in a sword battle with fire and the victor winning this beautiful unicorn.

My Sunday Photo 5.6.16

Keep your eyes peeled this week for my full review of the Geronimo Festival.

Have a great week! x

My Sunday Photo 29.5.16

About three years ago my OH took a lovely photo of the small boy climbing a tree in our local park, we loved it so much we got it printed on a canvas and it has pride of place at home.

I’ve been meaning to take an updated version of the picture just to compare then and now. With my OH off at an Indie All Dayer in Manchester I took the opportunity to have a date night with my boy. We started off with a trip to the local park, then onto a local restaurant for a plate of sausages and a chocolate milkshake.

In the park he spotted the tree and I grabbed a very quick snap before he scampered off in search of sticks (fairly sure he’s part labrador).

We had a lovely date night, it’s something we need to do more often, maybe he’ll even buy me dinner some day!

My Sunday Photo 29.5.16

My Sunday Photo 22.5.16

Last weekend the boys went off to their first football match together. They were off to watch Manchester United play Bournmouth at Old Trafford. They hopped on the tram full of excitement and I went home and pottered about in the kitchen, listening to the build up to the match on the radio.

Unfortunately their afternoon didn’t go to plan and the stadium had to be evacuated. 

I listened to the updates on the evacuation and sent a text to my husband which he didn’t answer for an age. I was worried sick, but thankfully the evacuation was handled incredibly well and everyone was safe. They came home on the tram and we made the best of the afternoon. 


This is the pair of them just as they were leaving for the match. They’ll try again next season. Fingers crossed. We’re all just glad the evacuation was handled so well, no one was hurt and that thankfully no one was really in any danger after all.

My Sunday Photo 24.4.16

This week Manchester has treated us to so much sunshine and warmth it’s been hard to believe that it’s still only April. Annoyingly I’ve been hunched over a hot laptop for most of the week and I’ve only really spied the warm sun from inside. On Wednesday it was beautifully bright and sunny and I really needed to get out, so I took myself off for a walk down by the river, clocking up a couple of Fitbit miles at the same time.

The trees are in full blossom, and looking up at the deep blue sky I snapped this with my Nokia Lumia phone. The soft pink blossom against the blue sky, the blur of the sun and a vapour trail from a passing plane. I love this photo and it hints hopefully of a fine summer to come. Fingers crossed!


My Sunday Photo 17.4.16


I promise hand on heart that this photo hasn’t been edited or messed about with in any way. We’ve been on holiday in North Devon all week and this was taken on Westward Ho! beach. The tide was just going out and the spring sunshine was dancing on the wet sand and creating a beautiful sky-sand mirror. This photo was taken with my Nokia Lumia phone and I think it’s rather beautiful and a little like a watercolour painting. 

The photo shows a silhouette of my husband as he approached an ancient shipwreck sticking out from the sand. We’d visited last year and had a good look at the wrecks and I was keen to see if they were still visible, which they are. You can read more about the history of the wrecks and see close up photos in this blog post from last year.

My Sunday Photo 3.4.16


The last week has been such a busy one and I’ve been busy with my camera. Scrolling back over the couple of hundred photographs I’ve taken this week, this is the one which stands out the most to me. It’s not a great photograph, if it wasn’t just a quick snap in passing it could be better, but it is the one photo which stands out as especially beautiful.

Last Sunday I went to the Gin Festival at Victoria Baths in Manchester. This beautiful Edwardian building is being painstakingly restored. Throughout the building there are stained glass windows and this caught my eye. She’s a beautiful Angel I guess, I’m not sure who she really is or who she represents, but I’m quite in love with her.

Happy Sunday! Xx

My Sunday Photo 31.1.16

Learning to read

Although I’ve already written a blog post about my boy starting to learn to read, when I looked back over the photos I’d taken this week, this is the one I liked the best. It marks such a milestone in his development and will forever be a nice memory for us all.

So this is our son with his first reading book from school, as proud as punch to be reading with his Daddy.