Easy Crafts: How to Make Simple Cupcake Case Flowers

Cupcake cases have so many more uses other than for being used to bake delicious cakes. I use them a lot in crafts, the delicate paper cases make excellent petals for flowers. Whilst I loved the pretty little daffodil flowers I made a few months back, I thought it was about time to make a summery change to the paper flowers in my kitchen. I made these pretty cupcake case flowers and they’re so pretty in a little vase, they’re really made my day.

I spotted some colourful mini muffin cases when I was shopping in Booths a while ago. They’re just the thing to make these pretty flowers with. I also used some regular sized cupcake cases and together they made a many petaled wonder.

Easy Crafts: How to Make Simple Cupcake Case Flowers

How to make Simple Cupcake Case Flowers

You will need:
Two regular sized cupcake cases
Two coloured mini muffin cases
A button
Green lolly sticks or straws
Bostik Fine & Wide Glu Pen

Easy Crafts: How to Make Simple Cupcake Case Flowers

How to make your cupcake case flowers:
Take your two regular sized cupcake cases and turn one inside out. Put a dab of glue on the white side of one of the cases and press the white sides together, leaving the patterned or coloured sides on the outside. Leave that to one side to dry, you might want to weight them down with something so they stay pressed together while the glue sets.

Meanwhile take the smaller cupcake cases and do the same to them. Turn one of them inside out and glue them together. Put a dab of glue on the inside of the small case and glue your button, you could also use a little pom-pom or another embellishment of your choice.

Using more of the glue, glue the large and the small cases together and leave the whole thing to set for an hour or so. I pressed mine down using my little button tub.

Easy Crafts: How to Make Simple Cupcake Case Flowers

Once the whole thing is dry, take some sellotape and stick the lolly stick or straw to the back of the flower. Carefully tease the cupcake cases into a pleasing petal shape. I shaped the innermost case to make it look pretty. What do you think?

It’s as simple as that. They look great, we’ve made a few and put them in a little vase in my kitchen. They’re a cheery summery flower that is so simple and fun to make too.

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Easy Crafts: How to Make Simple Cupcake Case Flowers

Kids Crafts: How to make Tulip Handprint Cards

This month Craft Merrily have set the Bostik Bloggers the task of creating a flower craft. We decided we would make tulip handprint cards. They’re really simple to make and would make a lovely card to give for a lot of different occasions such as Easter, Mother’s Day or for a birthday. The handprint adds a lovely personal touch too.

Kids Crafts: How to make Tulip Handprint Cards

We went away with some friends for a week, so I planned a few crafts for us to entertain the kids with while we were away. These tulip handprint cards were one of them. The children were all so pleased with their cards and I like to think the recipients were too.

How to make Tulip Handprint Cards

You will need:
1 piece of A4 card, I used pale blue
2 pieces of different coloured paper, I used yellow and pink
1 green pipecleaner
Bostik White Glu
A pencil
An envelope which will fit your A5 card

Kids Crafts: How to make Tulip Handprint Cards

How to make Tulip Handprint Cards
Fold your A4 piece of card in half. Cut out a large rectangle of coloured paper (we used yellow) and stick it onto one side of your card with Bostik White Glu.

Take a pencil and draw around a child’s hand, carefully cut out the hand shape. A grown up might need to help with any cutting out, especially the trickily shaped handprint. Stick this near the top of the rectangle.

Shape your green pipecleaner into the shape of a flower stem, you could make a loop about half way to make it look like a leaf if you want. Glue it on the card below the flower.

I sandwiched it under a glass dish and left the glue to dry overnight. I’ve no idea why I used a glass dish, it was just close to hand I guess. It worked though.

Kids Crafts: How to make Tulip Handprint Cards

Once the glue is dry, write your card and put it in the envelope ready to delight the lucky recipient!

It’s pretty cute isn’t it?

Check out my other craft tutorials here!

Kids Crafts: How to make Tulip Handprint Cards

I am a Bostik Craft Blogger and I was sent the materials to create this craft from Craft Merrily. 

Crafts: How to make a Packing Peanut Flower Garland

These days we’re increasingly mindful of what we throw away. Disposing of plastic and packaging responsibly is something we’re really trying to do, although not always successfully. I often get boxes, packages and deliveries and where I can I recycle or re-use the packaging, but sometimes I need to get creative. When a box arrived filled with packing peanuts my heart sunk. What was I going to do with all these? The answer was simple, crafts. On this occasion I thought I’d make a Packing Peanut Flower Garland to pretty up my freshly painted living room.

Crafts: How to make a Packing Peanut Flower Garland

I hadn’t realised this until now, but most packing peanuts are made from cornstarch, so if you get them wet they just dissolve into a sticky mess. I thought they were made from a plastic foam which wouldn’t biodegrade, but I was wrong. If you can find no other use for them, you can happily throw them in your compost bin and think no more about it, but I had plans for my packing peanuts!

The Packing Peanut Flower Garland is a simple craft which I happily sat and sewed while I was watching my current guilty pleasure – Say Yes to the Dress! It doesn’t require any great skill with sewing – because I have none really, but it’s a lovely little garland which costs pennies to make and would brighten up any space!

make a Packing Peanut Flower Garland

You will need –
Packing peanuts – 5 or 6 per flower
Needle and thread
A long piece of ribbon

Method –
Flatten your packing peanuts. I used a rolling pin but you can squash them flat with your hands if you want.

Take 5 or 6 flattened peanuts and arrange them in a flower shape. Using a needle and thread, sew them together in the centre of the flower. Once they’re secure, take your button and sew it on to the centre of the flower. Then place your flower where you want to sew it on the ribbon and stitch it in place through the button.

Crafts: How to make a Packing Peanut Flower Garland

Keep sewing flowers and adding them to the garland until you’re happy with how many flowers you’ve got. Tie a small loop at each end of your ribbon and hang up wherever you think best. It doesn’t matter where, as long as it’s dry!

I’m really quite pleased with my Packing Peanut Flower Garland. It’s so simple and costs very little to make, it’s the prefect frugal craft for those who hate waste!

If you enjoyed this, you might also like some of my other craft posts.

Crafts: How to make a Packing Peanut Flower Garland